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    Your Elvenar Team

Worlds and Moving


Got some questions. My wife started playing this game. She can now join a group. Here are my questions:

1. How do you find out what world/kingdom you are in?

2. Can you move from one kingdom to another?

3. Can you join a group is you are in another kingdom?


Got some questions. My wife started playing this game. She can now join a group. Here are my questions:

1. How do you find out what world/kingdom you are in?

The answer varies depending on if she's a mobile or PC player.

Mobile: At the login screen, whichever world has the green dot in it is the one she's playing in. Caveat is that she is only playing in one realm.

PC: There will be two sections: Worlds you've played in, and the other one, below it. I have a city in every world so I don't remember what the other section looks like.
2. Can you move from one kingdom to another?
Yes and no. You can join any realm on your server, but they are their own entities that you cannot trade between.
3. Can you join a group is you are in another kingdom?


When I first started playing at my husbands encouragement, I was placed in Khelonaar... he was in Arendyll. Since we play on computer, I had the option to start another city in Arendyll so I could be in the same Fellowhip. I now have 10 cities and 2 accounts (I had been using my second account in Arendyll as a teaching tool for our newbie players since we started out as a training Fellowship; an example of what you could do with your city at each level as I - and hopefully, they - progressed through the game. Now that everyone's progressed into guest races, it's not quite as important for teaching. :p) The short answer to the question of whether the two of you can play and be in the same Fellowship is - yes, if she's able to start a new city in the same world that you play in. I can't give any advice if you're playing on mobile app though...

Deleted User - 312108

You can also use elvenstats with her player name and look her up to see what world she is on if you have any confusion.