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    Your Elvenar Team

You have to be a masochist to keep on enjoying this


Cook troops, cook troops, cook troops and cook some more troops. So much fun! The squad sizes are out of control for a Chapter 16 city but they don't care.

I'm both a Spire and Tourney player. So I probably won't be doing Ch 17 and i'll most likely be stopping at Chapter 13 for this city.
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While I agree that this is a city building game, and can be played without doing the tournament or spire I would not write them off completely. Even just minimum participation will help you and your fellowship. Yes the tournament has been "nerfed" but the first couple of provinces / rounds are easy enough for small to none on troop loss. As far as the spire goes the first floor can be catered fairly cheap. The rewards far outweigh to cost if only doing the bare minimum.

But in the end it is the freedom of choice that makes this game whatever you want it to be. Have fun... It is a game after all.


Well-Known Member
I agree with @Frank the Elf King here. This game is wonderfully full of options on how to play. If city building is your focus, the tournaments - even at minimum participation - are still the best way to get the right tools to build with. Some fellowships are tourney driven and require that you rearrange your city to be competitive in the tourneys...but short of being in those types of fellowships I see no reason why a player would need to choose between playing the tournaments or building. These changes have made it more difficult to compete at high levels in the tourney while actually making it easier to compete at lower levels. Anyway, as Frank the Elf King says, I hope you enjoy the game however you choose to play.


Buddy Fan Club member
Patience is not something that I would characterize as a game strength of mine.... case in point... in my Khel world .. I've hit 505 expansions and are forbidden anymore by province completions.... I've tried to exercise restraint in this aspect in my other worlds.... to varying degrees of success.... I am determined to STOP my scouting and acquisition addiction! So, I guess i'm an addict not a masochist? maybe?


Well-Known Member
So, I guess i'm an addict not a masochist? maybe?
Maybe both? Haha
I'm certainly obsessed.
Not as much lately (I drew the line), i would set my alarm when sleeping just to turn over productions and go back to sleep. Sometimes interesting things in the morning. Some manufactories neglected, some on longer shifts than intended. NH might miss some. I stopped NH during sleep time like that because too often I'd wake up to unintended scouting, lol.


Well-Known Member
I actually started 2 more cities so I can do this to myself 6 times a week.
Triple masochist.

I'm not quite there yet but I don't doubt it will be in my future... lol
(well, a second city, a third may come but don't want to get ahead of myself, haha)

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
i was walking by one day and saw that roller coaster and magic dust flying around everywhere and a giant bee and giant marble and lave beings a cloud dude playing a flute and went oh yeah .. i was hooked, then realized i could come in to a game forum and not be attacked for having stolen all the villages supplies or killed all of her covens members lol .. i have 6 cities on 6 worlds (50k to 950k ) at this point and founded a fellowship on each of the 6 worlds .. everyone one grows their city, they all play tournaments and spire, events and fellowship adventures .. every aspect of the game and we enjoy playing it .. so i love the city builder aspect and co operative style of play .. scouting the map was three-fold, it gave us the provinces to use for tournaments as well as grow our cities with expansions, also the kp that goes in to advancing the research flow chart (tech tree) or in to upgrading ancient wonders on top of the kp from the tournaments .. that never actually hurt until now and there isn't a safe word


Oh Wise One
Are you referring to what I've heard called over-scouting? I actually don't yet understand why this is a thing, meaning a not good thing to do. Do you know?
The "cost" (in terms of negotiating and troops) is based on the scouting cost, and goes up with every province. If you are fighting in the provinces, the fights get harder and harder until they are impossible to win as you scout too far out. If you are negotiating the only real effects are 1) paying more goods than you can produce easily, and 2) when you hit the orc ring, and can't finish any more provinces because you can't produce orcs to pay. They eventually self correct, but can be frustrating and may drive people from the game, so players discourage it.


Buddy Fan Club member
Over-scouting.... in order to get provinces to get the expansions for more space... and yes, it is a very bad idea. At this point on Khel... I could go for the rest of the available chapters and never finish another province.... I needed an elvenar intervention years ago, but by the time I realized it was out of control.... well, it was far too late...lololol