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internal error

  1. Internal Error

    I received an internal error pop up, after three large gift box purchases in the Snow Flurry event. Upon the reload of my city, my goods were all Zero and my earned 3 Daily Exclusive Father Frozen Trees are no longer in inventory. Prior to this message I noticed three (could have been more)...
  2. Can't Place Magic Residence

    When I try to place a Magic Residence, I am offered the confirmation to spend the diamonds, I click to place it where I'd like it to be, and it appears to place and "begin construction." Then I get an error popup "Sorry, an internal error occured. Please try again later.". Clicking it refreshes...
  3. Did the Game Servers just Crash or is this an Update?

    Internal error: Did the Game Servers just Crash or is this an Update? The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused...
  4. Closed | Archived [6679] Internal Error when Building

    This is a repeatable error at least it seems to repeat on me on a far too regular basis. When I try to upgrade my Town Hall (Main Hall) I have all the necessary items. However, I get a pop up that says Internal Error. It then reboots the game. When I try to place the Planks Manufactory, I...