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    Your Elvenar Team

Feedback on our new Challenges Feature.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I got stuck with the smaller numbers again and my girlfriend got the smaller numbers instead of the bigger numbers this time. How about everyone else here? I feel the smaller numbers make it not even worth doing past the second spell fragments prize. Too much effort for my limited time.

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell, everyone got the 3503 version this time. It's definitely more difficult and while the 3x speed on workshops was a nice bonus at the start of the event, since that deal was only up for a few hours, many people will have completely missed it. (Unless the deal begins whenever the player first logs in, which would actually be awesome but I don't think that's the way it currently works.)


Well-Known Member
My take on the Challenges is that it's a nice little bonus. It was very easy to finish this in the normal course of playing, so getting something for free without having to do anything extra was really nice. And, if people didn't get all of the prizes, it should have been no huge disappointment to them as the prizes were huge or anything. And most of the prizes were in gaining the first half of the points and so, again, most would have been easy to obtain. Additionally, it was nice to get the spell fragments and the Combining Catalysts. Since they have no expiration dates, people don't have to use them right away. All in all, I thought that this was a nice little bonus.

Wow you added so much common sense, I hope that others will see that. I am not being sarcastic to you, others?? Well, yes

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
i was just lucky I was feeling sick and got out of bed just in time for it
did a bunch of 5 minute simple tools
If you ever find yourself with just a small amount of time left on a deal like this, set up the long runs (like doing the 24hr toolboxes in 9hrs). Productions already set in place when the deal ends keep the benefit of the increased speed. ;)
I just want to say, I like the craftsman challenge, but the prize at the end ain't to good. The prizes in the middle are good for me since I do crafting. :)
I agree. The 1500 spell fragments are by far the better part of the reward.


Well-Known Member
Rather surprised to see the challenge come back again so soon. At least this time it seems to come along with workshop time reductions, which does a lot to reduce the urge to 'cheat' using level 1 buildings. I was able to skirt by the last time without them as well, but likely only because I happened to have a day off in the challenge window and I also have 15 max-level workshops (which appears to be far more than most of my peers). This time around a lot of the pressure's off, so thumbs up for that! Even if it's the exact same thing all over again...hopefully some new challenges come along sooner rather than later.


Done! Turns out, these challenges are too easy...


At least this time it seems to come along with workshop time reductions, which does a lot to reduce the urge to 'cheat' using level 1 buildings.

Much easier to have those cheating little workshops though :p


I am a little disappointed with your post. Maybe next time you could, SHOUT IT, SHOUT IT, SHOUT IT LOUD. KISS Army is still alive


I stopped shouting after Eric Carr died. I joke a lot about this now though, because I find it humorous that Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer couldn't be original and create their own personas, instead of dressing up as Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. Even Vinnie "KISS is really my band" Vincent had his own character. But then, that's Paul and Gene being businessmen, so I'm really not surprised. :p


My only complaint against Challenges is that it seems like they postponed the Valentine's Event on live servers just to cram in another one. :p

I am DESPERATELY waiting for the Valentine's event to start.


I'm pretty sure last year's Valentine's day started on the 14th.

Maybe ... I don't remember.

But THIS year's event hit Beta on Jan. 24th. If the event is really going to start on Feb. 14th, then that's a LONG Beta period for a simple event.

The point is that I got used to the one week's difference between Beta and live, so I planned accordingly. Now I'm stuck with a city full of completed productions, waiting for an event that somehow needed THREE WEEKS between Beta and live to start?

For the record, I'm not blaming anyone but myself. It's my own fault for assuming, when nothing is guaranteed. And I'll accept the consequences!

Just annoyed that my assumption didn't pan out like I wanted it to. :p