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Recent content by gnortsmra

  1. shroom of wisdom

    leads to next question: how do i get orc dung?
  2. shroom of wisdom

    need these. how do i get them? I can get the other shrooms but not wisdom.
  3. shroom of wisdom

    how do i get shroom of wisdom....the others are available
  4. how to find chests when helping a neighbor

    So how does one find these chests
  5. Chests

    where does on find these chests in Neighborly Help?
  6. Supplies

    How can I either spend down supplies OR increase storage capacity???
  7. Settlement resources

    How do i increase the limit? I'm topped out at 600 ambrosia but i need 630 in research.
  8. pet food

    how does one acquire pet food ?
  9. coins required to access city expansions in fairies XII

    finished 2 expansions in Research fairies XII but they dont show up in buildings menu. How many coins do I need to access them.
  10. planks not credited

    Went to Wholesaler to acquire 2200 planks which I bought using coins and supplies. Not credited. Foolishly tried it again and was also robbed. How do I get credit for the planks I bou
  11. Combining catalysts

    How do you use these?
  12. VV

    what does one do with vision vapor?
  13. Ambrosia

    Research requires ambrosia which is disconnected. How do i connect ambrosia so I can procede?
  14. How do I acquire orcs ?

    Where do I get orcs?
  15. Settlement Resources

    How does one acquire these?