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Recent content by Kestenn

  1. Recipes for 10 and 20 Royal Restoration missing?

    Thank you, Alram!
  2. Recipes for 10 and 20 Royal Restoration missing?

    Helya, Thanks for the quick response. This is certainly the easy answer, but I'm not yet convinced that it is the correct one. Assuming that there is equal chance of getting the 10, 20, or 30 RR recipe, then the chance of getting 10 in a row of the 30 RR is (1/3)^10 = 0.0017%. Possible, yes...
  3. Recipes for 10 and 20 Royal Restoration missing?

    Game version: v1.147.3-(9aeee24) - html5 (2022-02-17 08:32) Game world: US Ceravyn Browser + version: Firefox 97.0.1 Operating System: Windows 10 Screen resolution: 3440 x 1440 Account name: Kestenn Humans or Elves: Humans Reproducibility: 5/5 Quest title: N/A Current situation: Every time a...
  4. Search summoned buildings list on browser

    Would like to see the ability to search the list of summoned buildings on browser version. This functionality works great on the app version!
  5. Storyline quests broken

    Storyline quests are broken as of this morning. I am in Chapter 16, and I received a quest to have a trader.