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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by MadamVenus

  1. MadamVenus


    Thanks so much! This chapter is so difficult, each one gets so much harder and slower!
  2. MadamVenus


    Hello, just wondering.. palm (3) what are they? and where are they built from what section, and what other Temple, wondering if I have not researched it yet, and I am kind of stuck... thank you
  3. MadamVenus

    Help Forum "How to" Guide

    Thank you
  4. MadamVenus

    Help Forum "How to" Guide

    I am stuck in elementals... how does one make or aquire Elvenar Essence?
  5. MadamVenus

    Move city

    I used to play a game that could teleport the city to anywhere either in current world or to another world, albeit it was expensive to do, but it was fun.
  6. MadamVenus

    Move city

    A good idea would be to provide teleports in everyone's supply, and allow people to teleport to different worlds. Being able to move your city would add a whole new dynamic to the game, and make it more fun.
  7. MadamVenus

    I hate fighting

    That is insane stats. I will not be fighting again any time soon. They need to fix this or they will lose players. Thanks for the (depressing) info! Lol
  8. MadamVenus

    I hate fighting

    Thank you for the update :)
  9. MadamVenus

    I hate fighting

    Does anyone know when the troop upgrades will come through?