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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent content by rickyht

  1. It worked for StarTrek

  2. Feedback Official Elvenar Discord server

    does anyone know if inno will still support the Elvenar- Wiki website?
  3. Feedback Chapter 21 - The Vallorian Legend

    I am running into a similar issue with quest # 31 to build an Orc Horde. I do not have an armory. I recruit all my Orcs using Other buildings and AW's. How am I supposed to build an Orc Horde without an Armory. Should I also submit a support ticket to rectify this issue?
  4. Floral Awakening Event starts Thursday

    why has this not been announced to all players like they do in news within the game?
  5. Problem with the Cauldron?

    Anyone know the cause of this problem? Was a programmer playing around and screwed up or did the inno server get hacked? How long does it take to fix the root cause and solve this problem? this has apparently been going on for more than a few days.
  6. Problem with the Cauldron?

    Still not fixed, Cauldron screen opens put not showing any ingredients to click on and add. Anybody in support working to get this fixed?
  7. Problem with the Cauldron?

    still not back to work Khelonaar yet. Any ETA on fixing this issue?
  8. Realm of the Phoenix

    I agree have been waiting for 3 days to get an answer on what is the current cap on the quests for realm of the pheonix. how long does it take to get an answer as to what the current cap # is. Are all the programmers on a sabbatical? by the time it's fixed and We get an answer This event will...
  9. Realm of the Phoenix

    My quests are stuck on #56. it did not unlock and rollover to a new quest today. Have submitted a ticket. Anybody hear back on when this problem will be fixed?
  10. cliff ancient wonders

    Will inno be adding any more ancient wonders that will add to the large cliff buildings. The graphics on the existing ones are amazing and really add to the backgound when playing the game . I know screen space is limited, but it sure would be nice to have more of this beautiful artwork as an...
  11. enar's blues song

    thanks so much
  12. enar's blues song

    Does anyone know the cost of producing the Enar's Blues Song for quest #77 in chapter #20
  13. Naturally Amazing

    Any word on when this will go live in the regular worlds?
  14. The Buried City

    When will this start?
  15. City movement

    Thanks for the quick reply and i"m sure we all really appreciate All the hard work you put in to help our community !!!!!