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Search results

  1. duplicate the "all workshops activate" click box for use in manufactories

    just like in the workshops, when you have collected them, you click on any idle one and have the option to activate all of then at once. eg., if i have 50 marble manufactories idle, I can click on just one and choose to have them all work at the same task. unfortunately, I have no idea of the...
  2. whom can i polish

    I Noticed that a certain player has been polishing my culture buildings. i checked the may and said player is not one of my neighbors. player is actually quite some distance away. i visited player's city but i could not polish any of his buildings. Why is that so?
  3. neighborly help

    thank you for the info
  4. neighborly help

    does anyone know why some of your neighbors CANNOT be helped? i have some neighbors whom i helped before and who helped me and then all of a sudden, i cannot help them anymore. why is that? usually when that happens, their main hall appears to be under construction/upgrade but in some cases this...