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Search results

  1. How do I delete a posting (thread)?

    How do I delete a posting (thread) on the Forum?
  2. How do I obtain Heavy Melee Units?

    Thanks Kekune! Yes I found it in Research at the end of page III. It's called Treant. Thanks
  3. How do I obtain Heavy Melee Units?

    I'm a new player having played for only 4 days. My Barracks doesn't currently allow me to build Heavy Melee Units. How can I obtain Heavy Melee Units?
  4. What does the red colored 1 mean on the Basics tab?

    Ashrem, Thanks ! Yup on the last page, a new item !!
  5. Can't collect coin from residence without a page reload

    I'm playing the Elvenar web version on the PC. Sometimes I'm unable to collect the coins from some of the residences. If I reload the page then I'm able to collect the coins. Is there a solution to this problem? Have you experienced this problem?
  6. What does the red colored 1 mean on the Basics tab?

    In the buildings page, there's a red colored number 1 on the Basics tab. What does this mean?