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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. RichWood

    Help Fellowship Members

    Thank you samidodamage for answering. I've given a deadline for showing up for meeting time, I'll just have to wait and see. But my real question is if i remove someone, has does it affect the Fellowship.
  2. RichWood

    Help Fellowship Members

    Thank you Lelanya for your answer, I did not think of a language barrier being on a US Server. Some do somethings but it is on their own it seems. As a Fellowship, I believe good communication helps the entire Fellowship, without it, you might as well play Outside of a Fellowship. My question is...
  3. RichWood

    Help Fellowship Members

    Does it hurt me, as a Fellowship, if I Remove Members that refuse to show up for meetings and refuse to communicate?
  4. RichWood

    Sorry already answered in part - Ancient Wonders Help

    I have three fellowship members, two have the green button to go in and help, one of them I was able to help them, but now I cannot. The other member also has a green button, but I have never been able to help them. Then my third member, their button is grey, I do not know what to tell them so I...
  5. RichWood

    Mercenary Camp

    Thank you everyone for your help!
  6. RichWood


    I do not understand a couple of things, one what is the difference between Green and Brown/Gold Helping Neighbors? Two, on my Training Ground I was going to Upgrade, I have all the requirements, but has the Research button, I go there but do not find any Upgrade info? I wanted to go from 4 to 5.
  7. RichWood

    Mercenary Camp

    Okay, I see that it is not available until then. Thank you for pointing that out, it does not say that when looking at the option.
  8. RichWood

    Mercenary Camp

    I do not think so, in the Research, I'm on V.
  9. RichWood

    Mercenary Camp

    In the Building section, under military, one of the choices is "Mercenary Camp", it has a lock on the picture, how can I get it unlocked and select it? I have all the requirements.
  10. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    Thank you lyapo!
  11. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    Thank you Katwick!
  12. RichWood

    Pet Food

    Thank you Yogi Dave!
  13. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    When I try to select, nothing happens.
  14. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    Thank you lyapo, I do not understand, the KP doesn't deal with Ancient Wonders I thought. I thought only Runes dealt with Ancient Wonders?
  15. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    I can help with Buildings, but when I try and select one of their Ancient Wonders, nothing happens.
  16. RichWood

    Pet Food

    Thank you Flashfyre!
  17. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    I have a Team Mate that needs help in their Ancient Wonders, but I cannot help them, what needs to happen to be able to help them?
  18. RichWood

    Pet Food

    How do I get Pet Food?
  19. RichWood

    Season of Dreams Discussion Thread

    Darielle, you were right! Thank you!
  20. RichWood

    Season of Dreams Discussion Thread

    Thank you Darielle, I will look around my city.