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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. I enjoy fighting in the Spire now

    I used to give up on the spire after the resources exceeded the number of slots. I should have stuck with it. Since getting to the top for the first time, I have only missed once. I won a Dwarven Armorer on the final chest last week. If you want diamonds, you gotta roll the dice, and it will pay...
  2. Provide a thumbnail of the battlefield on the encounter window.

    I would love to see this.
  3. Wildcard Instant would work with any Evolving building

    Of course, this would be very highly desirable, and justify additional effort to obtain, but I think everybody has one evolving building that could use one. It could be limited to just ONE per user to make sure of its value and scarcity. ~Star
  4. Considering Spire Completion "Giant 'Ta-Da'"

    I wish they had not expanded on the original idea to do a simple TA-DA! Once that was done, and everyone was reassured nothing else broke, they could embellish it.
  5. Considering Spire Completion "Giant 'Ta-Da'"

    The pop-ups can disappear after a few seconds like many other notifications in the game.
  6. Put the Snowman to work!

    Plant a hidden Sorcerer's Document under the Snowman. It could be 1-3 or even more, but it only lasts a while, unlike the rest. If you miss it, you get a message to try again later. Then make him roll around a bit.
  7. Funneling under-produced resources out of your Fellowship...

    It is not always co-operative. This player places ONE KP on every AW in my FS, but due to a qiirky quota system, effectively blocks anyone from doing the same. If I could block her, I would. This is not in the spirit of co-operation at all. She's a squatter. ~Star
  8. Discussion The Cauldron - Discussion Thread

    I think it could have been a little more confusing. Keep at it!!!
  9. How does someone 'lock' every AW in their city so nobody can contribute?

    Obscured, and thanks. Yes, it is a free KP, but it is not worth a lot. ~Star
  10. How does someone 'lock' every AW in their city so nobody can contribute?

    The AWs are connected. You might be right about the balance. She only places a single point when she visits. None of us like it. ~Star
  11. How does someone 'lock' every AW in their city so nobody can contribute?

    There is a certain player that has managed to prevent anybody from contributing to any of her AWs. At the same time, she trolls all our cities, placing a single KP on every AW. This seems inherently unfair. I asked support for help, but they just shrugged. She is not a novice player. She knows...
  12. Back after two years - my old FS is gone

    Former Wild Azure custodian - we placed 25th once in a FSA. I can play most of the tourneys, adventures, and spire. Looking for a nice group to play with. ~Star