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Search results

  1. Gaia7

    Answered Spire rewards

    Hi! I was wondering what happens to any rewards if any if I were to leave my current fellowship before the spire closes but have completed it already and beat the big boss? Thanks in advanced, Gaia
  2. Gaia7

    Black out

    Has anyone else experienced their city going completely black? I’m not sure why this happens which also happens on the Beta server as well. If I go out into the world map though, it’s not blacked out. I have to log out and log back in for it to return to normal. (I play on iPad and mobile )
  3. Gaia7


    Can someone tell me how to get the different avatars other than the basics that I get as I advance in chapters? I see other players with much smaller cities and still in earlier chapters have some pretty cool profile pics. Thanks in advance!
  4. Gaia7

    New Fellowship Adventure

    Do we know if we’re starting a new FA this Thursday June 8th? In Khelonaar we’re seeing yes and Harandaar unsure.
  5. Gaia7

    Season of joy event

    How will a new player proceed in this event if she is just beginning her chapters? Example: she has not made to tournaments or spire yet. Will she be able to bypass a quest or will she just be stuck?
  6. Gaia7

    Chapter 6

    Is there a way to speed up my copper mine productions?
  7. Gaia7

