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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Transfer excess items to others

    2021-08-16 08:01:42 New: We have been discussing it among ourselves, and this is something we would like: Make it possible to gift anything and everything from one player to another. Some of us are getting things we can Not use that others desperately need, and we’d really like to be able to...
  2. Rune Awareness and Video Resource

    I have been playing since 2011, and only just now learning. As is - diversity is a key to players diverse learning challenges-uniqueness, so diversity is the answer for player satisfaction. When other members find videos to watch and learn, its a pain to manually enter addresses and probably why...
  3. Rune Awareness and Video Resource

    I have been playing since 2011, and only just now learning. As is - diversity is a key to players diverse learning challenges-uniqueness, so diversity is the answer for player satisfaction. When other members find videos to watch and learn, its a pain to manually enter addresses and probably why...