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    Your Elvenar Team

10 Chests & Gold: Casus Recruiting

Deleted User - 3555898

Greetings =D
If you like to battle in the Tourney/Spire and want a group of highly active players to trade with, we're the group for you!
We're a 10+ Chest/week Tourney FS who are working to become weekly Gold Spire winners - we've currently won Gold 6 times, 3 Consecutive and we'll probably do it again this coming week!
The Ideal player would be able to get 1000+ Tourney score and reach at least the Laboratory in the Spire.
Please give it some thought or feel free to ask any questions you may have, we will have open spots at the end of the this Tourney.
LexingtonMAXX – ArchMage of Casus Belli