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    Your Elvenar Team

[16560] Chat box not working?


It's the same for me. I use Chrome as a browser. I've tried deleting cookies, clearing hosted app data and everything, nothing seems to help. Says "Can not establish chat connection" in the chat window.


Not just the chat box. I have trouble with chat on US5 &6, messages too, game kicks me out every 3 mins or so. Tried all browser I could think of, no difference. This started on Thursday for me.

Deleted User - 1563649

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Well-Known Member
It is really slowing down the progress of our adventures because I have no way of knowing who is even online right now.


I cannot connect to chat in any of the worlds on the US server. And, yes, this is indeed a problem given our need to connect with FS members for the Adventure tasks. Grrr.


Oh Wise One
The problem is transient. We have worked around it by using a common google spreadsheet to track progress in the quest, and using Googles built in chat/collaborations when Elvenar chat is failing.


Well-Known Member
I can't get mine to work in any of my 5 cities (Arendyll, Felyndral, Khelonaar, Elcysandir & Ceravyn).


It is again not working for me in Sinya Arda. On top of that, the messages aren't working properly for me either. I post a message to the whole Fellowship, it says it's been sent but it never shows up in my inbox. This is with the Fellowship Adventures about to start again tomorrow! Totally unacceptable!


Chats not working. I need it to get ready for the FA. Is it working for some and not others?


Well-Known Member
My chat has been down for 3 days in all 5 of my cities. I am really feeling disconnected from my fellowships. The only way I am able to communicate with my teams is through messaging or Discord. Support says they're aware of the problem. o_O:oops:


Thank you for your reports. We are aware of some intermittent issues which some players are experiencing with chat and have forwarded this to the development team for further review.


My chat has been down in Ceravyn for 3 days straight now.... I spend money on my world and this is really messing me up with my FS.

Since being cutoff from my FS, I have had a lot more time on my hands to get new tires and an alignment and oil change done on my car, go for visits at families houses and even clean the pool. I am beginning to see the pattern of Elvenar taking up too much of my time... so this chat outage might have actually been a blessing and I might not return to the game (and spend money) at all!

And yes.. internet speed is fine, I am in charge of the router and no firewall issues are there and I have cleaned cache, cookies and even rebooted my computer (which mac's dont need!) to try and fix this.
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Well-Known Member
My chat came back up in 3 of my 5 cities yesterday.....for about an hour or so, then they failed again. Still disconnected in all of my cities......:(


New Member
interesting, I lost chat in my four worlds 3 days ago using wifi but when I tethered off my iPhone I was able to regain chat in all four. Notified support and told them what happened, they told me "hopefully" it would be restored with the next update. Ok so the next thing I know is I can't even get chat tethering off my phone....hmm but at my job I can get chat, no problem.