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    Your Elvenar Team

Add Blueprint Inventory SOMEWHERE


Well-Known Member
Good Evening!

I have finally heard back in regards to this concept, unfortunately, it does not seem feasible due to the way the game is coded. There are algorithms in place to recognize certain items to be displayed within the game, and unfortunately, a blueprint is not one of them. This does not necessarily mean the concept will not occur in the distant future, it simply means there are coding limitations in place to do so at this point in time.

Sorry, this was not the response you were seeking :(

Sorry while I laugh. Reading between the lines, they are saying Blueprints were created in original probably obsolete code they can't work with anymore.

Create a new item. Call it a RedPrint. Make it an instant that shows up in Inventory just like an RR. Make it allow Magic buildings to upgrade. Make it a reward in the tournament.

Make a new item. Call it a GreenPrint. Make it an instant that shows up in Inventory just like an RR. Make it nothing more than a pointer to the number of BluePrints variable sitting behind the scenes that can't be displayed.

Think outside the box :mad:

Thank you Xelenia for the follow up.
You said exactly what I was thinking. The idea that displaying an inventory item quantity was prohibitively difficult development task seems utterly insane to me. If doing that is a major roadblock for the developers then I can't even imagine how the game got this far or how any new feature or change can occur. I'd rather they just say they simply don't want to do it for reasons they choose not share with us.


Ex-Team Member
I have received additional updates on this particular idea. Though the data structure does not make it feasible, the developers will keep investigating how to properly implement the visibility of blueprints in the inventory.

Keep in mind this does not mean it will happen anytime soon, simply means they are aware of the problem and they will keep seeking solutions.


P.S I will leave this thread unlocked for the time being, if it continues in the manner it did prior to closing, I will close it again.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for before and YAY!! But there's probably nothing more to be said on the topic. All we can do is wait and see.

Tauriel Earwen

New Member
I was wondering why not make the blueprint a crafting item? I don't like spending diamonds when I want to craft an item that calls for blueprints. Then they would show as an enchantment item in inventory. Thanks for the consideration!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why not make the blueprint a crafting item? I don't like spending diamonds when I want to craft an item that calls for blueprints. Then they would show as an enchantment item in inventory. Thanks for the consideration!
I was just thinking this morning it would be nice to have a secondary way of obaining a blueprint other than 10 chests once a week. Not sure how this would fly, as blueprints are intended to be rare, but why not ask? Unfortunatly, once an idea is passed on , the developers only read the proposal at the start of the thread, so adding an idea here won't get seen. If you're serious about the idea and want to get it before a developer for actual consideration, there is a process outlined here, for proposing suggestions. The suggestion in this thread went through that process and, as you can see, it is now in the "planned" phase. Not every idea gets that far, but if it's to have a chance, it would need to follow the process as outline.
Best of luck!