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    Your Elvenar Team

Are you Finishing Fairies?


so silly question....where would you like the reporting to be done? because i will be coming up on this soon enough in at least 1 world


Oh Wise One
I'm not sure how the gamers' gems folks handle input, but you could either make a post in Mykan's thread (listed in the first post), or PM him. A post here about a difference would likely get picked up as well, especially if you tag Mykan by using an @ before his name in the message. I think the gamer's gems folks are accessible via facebook, so there's probably a link on their page where you can comment.

edit: You can get an update to the gems of knowledge folks via https://www.facebook.com/groups/GemsOfElvenar/
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I'm not sure how the gamers' gems folks handle input, but you could either make a post in Mykan's thread (listed in the first post), or PM him. A post here about a difference would likely get picked up as well, especially if you tag Mykan by using an @ before his name in the message. I think the gamer's gems folks are accessible via facebook, so there's probably a link on their page where you can comment.

Hi @Ashrem, we welcome any and all information provided by players. In fact, a lot of our information is obtained from players in our Facebook group, in our Fellowships, and from our chapter chats. We will be checking the quest as soon as we can and we'll be following this thread in case anyone posts any changes.

Gems of Knowledge is not affiliated with Jack Luyt, but you can contact us by following this link to our Facebook group and messaging one of the admins or posting a comment there. https://www.facebook.com/groups/GemsOfElvenar/
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I'll be starting Orcs in one of my worlds soon. I'd be happy to track quests.

ETA 2/23/18: Finished my advanced scout and am officially in Orcs. I'll track as best I can through this chapter.
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Deleted User - 593524

I don't know if it has changed and both of my worlds are in Orc's. I guess my question, what difference if it changed or not. If you are playing the game and at the Orc chapter you can either do it or quit. It is a very frustrating chapter. Between the upgrades, and all of the supplies that are needed it is tough. But I enjoy the game and will work my way through it, while my cities grow. This chapter takes a lot of patience and thinking. Have fun everyone, I am.

Deleted User - 593524

Because some players have spent years on detailed guides to help players who like to plan ahead for regular quests, not just events. When there are changes they ask for input since their information is not current. I appreciate all the time and effort these players put in to share their insights into game mechanics.

Good point. I guess lately i have been seeing too many newer players wanting everything now. I agree there is a lot of good information on the forums


Just started on elven AW. I printed out Mykan's list and have it on a clipboard where I can be sure I've got them all. I will send in changes as I note them, this way I don't risk missing any.


I've been doing the O&G chapter for about a month now and honestly haven't been keeping track of the side quests even though I do them.
I'm a little over 3/4's of the way through the chapter at the moment. (though I have not 'unlocked' the dead-end boxes yet)

I'm actually stuck at two "required" side quests...
1) "Have at least 2 Workshops at Level-20 or higher" (my closest is Level-16)
2) "Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory upgrade to 11 or higher" (I've finished the Dust upgrade box but don't have the population to do it yet)

SPACE is of course also the main limiting factor in getting these two things done as well.



I've found one difference so far, from Mykan's guide:

15 Train 30 Treants is now Train 10 Paladin


Well-Known Member
train 30 treants , produce basket of groceries, 1 armory at level 19, research mushroom farm, build 5 mushroom farms