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    Your Elvenar Team

Arendyll: Seek And Ye Shall Find (a template)



While Elvenar Fellowships have a Chat capability and a Mail capability in-game, neither of those tools allow for editing previous messages, nor do they support searching for previously submitted content. On the other hand, our official Elvenar forum does have the appropriate tools, and we have already established subforums, in each world, for Fellowships Seeking Members.

I would like to sponsor an experiment, for the next six months or so, to determine if we can evolve a forum toolset that's appropriate and adequate for the support of your Fellowships.

We intend to support one thread per Fellowship, with an anchor post and series of posts that contain content that will be valid for at least several weeks. As time goes on, and as policies evolve, the order of the messages will become more and more jumbled. In addition to the searching capabilities that are inherent in the forum software, we feel that an index will be needed. For example:
Current Needs

We would like to identify a couple of Fellowships that have sibling Fellowships in more than one world. We would like to work with a couple of key people in each of those Fellowships, in multiple worlds, to determine what's useful, and what's more bother than is worth the effort.
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Mission Statement

This post will usually be an elaboration of the material in your Fellowship Profile.

Here in our seminal Fellowship, we have the following mission:
  • Encourage ordinary players to use the forums. We already have enough wingnuts who need a day job.
  • Make it easy to find material that's relative to YOUR Fellowship, without the need to wade through everything else.
  • If somebody is looking for a Fellowship that matches their playing style, let's make your Fellowship easy to find.
  • Encourage Fellowship Officers to present well crafted policies that can be readily updated and bumped.
  • Provide support for Fellowship Officers who want to understand how other Fellowships are addressing similar issues.
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Trading Policy

Fellowships have a wide range of trading policies including
  • Offer 3 star trades for the benefit of your neighbors and your fellows
  • Only offer like value 2 star trades
  • Anything goes
  • Make as much profit as possible
The only aspect that's really important is the expectations of the other members in your fellowship.

We've attached an Unrequited spreadsheet, it's an Excel 2013 file, to demonstrate that you CAN attach a file to a post, and to provide a template that will help you manage the overall inventory balance for your Fellowship members. Here's the procedure for using the spreadsheet:
  • Encourage your fellows to routinely post large trades, 1000 units or more for all of their excess goods, so that you'll have a good idea of what's needed to balance the overall inventory.
  • After you've cleared and posted you trades for the day, at a predictable time, enter the unrequited trades into the spreadsheet.
  • Post Needs as a plus; post Demands as a minus.
  • The spreadsheet automatically calculates the AVERAGE of the visible rows.
  • Once every week or so, post the recap and encourage folks to abandon buildings that are producing excess inventory
  • When you have a chronic Overage or Shortage, look through your list, pick a couple of likely candidates, based on their Fellowships, and see if you can find somebody on the world map who can assist you with a 3 way trade.
Especially in the earlier chapters, folks are fascinated with Relic Boosts. We've include a Roster tab in the spreadsheet, that will help you track who has which boosts, and the growth rate of each fellow, and anything else that you might want to add.
  • The boosts, for each city, are defined by the three sectors to the immediate southwest, southeast, and double southeast (which is always identical to north) for each city. The relic sequence, on the row immediately below each city row, is Marble, Crystal, Elixir, Steel, Scrolls, Magic Dust, Planks, Silk, Gems, and then Marble again. There are only nine unique City/Relic combinations.
  • The contact date is handy with you're trying to recruit someone.
  • Update and drag the "recent" forumula each week. It's just this week minus last week.


  • Unrequited 2015L13.zip
    180.1 KB · Views: 261
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Here's an example of a current average inventory balance, based on unrequited trades. It would be entirely reasonable to post a weekly Inventory Balance Report, along with your current recruiting status.

GoodsUnrequitedCommentary for 12/13/2015 2:58

There are only 9 unique City+Relic combinations on the map, and the boosts for each city are determined by the sectors to the southwest, southeast, and double southeast (which is always the same as north). The horizontal Relic distribution, for each row, is always
  • Gems, Silk, Planks, Magic Dust, Scrolls, Steel, Elixir, Crystal, Marble, and repeat
  • There are only 9 unique groups of 3 relics, as you slide along the row, not 27 combinations
  • Alternate rows are offset by 50%
  • If you trace an 11 o'clock to 5 o'clock diagonal, every second City will have identical boosts
As a consequence if you've discovered cities that are to your double southwest, plus either triple southwest or triple southeast, you have COMPLETELY balance your "trading" map. The pattern repeats, of course, so another identical set of cities will be five diagonals to your west, and also five diagonals to your east.

Routinely posting large trades, even if you have no expectation that they will be cleared any time soon, will encourage your neighbors to discover you so that they will have cheaper access to your trades and, for that matter, they may also be interested in joining your Fellowship.

If you're looking a major radio button trader, who would nicely balance your inventory, you'll want to discover them, forthwith, eliminate that pesky 50% markup:
  • Visit their city
  • Click on their World Map icon
  • Drag the mouse just a bit, to get a blue arrow, and follow it back to your discovered area
  • Scout/Acquire sectors, as needed, to build a bridge to a group of your ideal trading partners
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Visitation Policy

Some Fellowships are very rigorous about buff visits to member cities, and perhaps even stagger the visits so that cultural buffs and be maintained.

Other Fellowships consider visits to be a sometimes thing.


Ancient Wonders Policy

There are a variety of Knowledge Point swap arrangements. You should indicate the options that are available the the members of your fellowship.


Current Opportunities and Openings

Do you perhaps require applicants to have a Trader?

Are you giving preferential treatment to folks who have particular boosts, or who favor a particular playing style?

If someone in interested in joining your Fellowship, or if they need more information, who should they contact?

It's probably best to merely edit this post as your opportunities change, which both supersedes the previous status information AND avoids flooding the forum readers with New Posts. If folks are looking for a new fellowship they'll be able to find you, and if they're NOT looking you don't want to irritate them.


Moderator Support

The posts in your fellowship thread must abide by the same rules as any of the other posts in our official Elvenar forums, and they must be at least vaguely related to Elvenar, but we'll use a pretty light hand regarding subject matter and content, which we regard to be primarily the responsibility of the Fellowship Officers.
  • If a Fellowship Officer reports a post, in their Fellowship thread, and asks for it to be deleted or modified, we'll do so without hesitation.
  • If anybody else reports a post in your Fellowship thread, the moderators will coordinate with the Fellowship Officers to determine how to best dispose of the issue.
We expect that most of the reports will be deletion requests, when somebody is trashing your fellowship, but there are also several structural capabilities that will help you keep your Fellowship thread neat and orderly.
  • If the original poster is no longer available to update an obsolete policy post, you should use the Reply function to copy paste the old material into the edit box at the bottom of the page, strip off the extra BBCodes, and make the appropriate edits.
  • Reset the URL in your anchor post.
  • Report the obsolete post that you want the moderators to delete, and so indicate if you would prefer to have the new post moved up the chain, thereby effectively pinning your Policy Posts near the top of your fellowship thread.
  • There are also a variety of other thread maintenance capabilities that we can discuss on a case by case basis.
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Editing Techniques

The XenForo forum software supports an extensive set of BBCodes, click on Help at the bottom of any forum page, that includes support for Tables. The Rich Text Editor actually generates hidden BBCode which will occasionally go crosswise on you. Clicking on the BBCode menu icon, it's the rightmost icon just above the editing box, will take you to a page where you can directly edit the raw BBCode. Clicking on the link that's just below the BBCode edit box, on the left side, will take you back to the normal Rich Text Editor.

Generating BBCode tables can be tedious. The above Unrequited spreadsheet provides table support, so you may want to look at that example but, more generally, you should take a look at http://www.teamopolis.com/tools/bbcode-table-generator.aspx, which allows you to conveniently create a BBCode table and will then save your table as a cookie on your own machine, for future updates.

After you copy paste the generated BBCode into our forum, you'll need to first strip out the tab characters from the indented sections, and then strip out the line feeds at the end of each row. If you fail to do so, you'll get a lot of mysterious white space after your table. You may, of course, use a word processing program that has search and replace capabilities, if you wish to be more efficient.

The posts in your Fellowship Thread should mostly be material that will still be useful a month from now, policies in particular, but you should work with your fellowship to determine their preferences for using Chat, In-Game Mail, and your Fellowship thread here in the Elvenar forum.
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Searching Techniques

We'd encourage you to use your own Fellowship subforum as your bookmarked link into the Elvenar forum.
The link for this thread, although you'd actually want to link to your own fellowship thread, is

While guests can read the forums, before they are permitted post messages, and use the available tools
they must first register. To register you must use your in-game Name, email, and password to register
which helps us inhibit spoofing and trolling and then, once you've registered, you can and probably should
click on your forum profile to change your forum password and to also indicate how you prefer to
handle alerts and watched threads. If you've set up your email account accordingly,
the new posts in your Fellowship Forum will immediately appear on your smartphone.

The XenForo forum has a very effective search engine, which includes the ability to
restrict a search to just your own Archmage and World forum, as illustrated,
to get a list of relevant posts from your own Fellowship thread.

A space is a logical AND, while an asterisk is a wildcard for one or more characters.
The search engine will try to find posts that include ALL of the words that you've specified.

You will find that some words will not be accepted if you try to search on them.
You can view the default list of MySQL Stopwords at
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Hi, Missanthropy. I hope I'm not messing up your thread but you can delete this if you need. :) Have these fellowship threads been created yet? I'm in Varron's fellowship on Arendyll, Iluvatar, and we'd love to have a place in the forum to organize fellowship business.


Oh, so this is simply a template to apply to an ordinary fellowships-seeking-members thread? Thanks. Got it! Time to start learning a little BBCode.

ETA: This is going to be a little fiddly as far as thread maintenance. It looks like maintaining an anchor post falls on only one fellowship member, which should probably be the Archmage for easy searching.
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Active Member
This is a lot of information I find incredibly useful. I appreciate all of this - but only found it this evening because I saw it under recent posts on the forum's front page. A-mage on Wyn and Fel, happy in my Aren fellowship - I never would have found this without that recent posts listing! Thanks for all of this Missanthropy. You've hit on a bunch of topics I've wondered about, a couple I knew nothing about and several where I need to dig in and do some work. How many hours in a day - 36, correct?! Ha!


what could I possibly need? have you seen my city?
Your city looks really cool. Where are the culture buildings though? Mine shows 8K required and my city is nowhere near as advanced as yours.

At my level (nearing the end of Act III) dumping an unnecessary factory is pretty good advice. I guess it depends on where you are in the game.


I have no needs in this game
Presumably you're stockpiling tier 2 goods? The Elven/Human AWs ate tier 3, the Dwarves are eating tier 1, and it's likely that the next guest race will have an appetite for Crystal, Scrolls, and Silk.

"Needs" is a very broad term. In my mind it include what's needed by the other members in your fellowship, and in your trading market. When reality comes crashing down on you, we can continue this conversation.


I can't figure out how to start my own thread to do a Fellowship thread. I found the field here to do a reply, but how do I create my own thread?