While Elvenar Fellowships have a Chat capability and a Mail capability in-game, neither of those tools allow for editing previous messages, nor do they support searching for previously submitted content. On the other hand, our official Elvenar forum does have the appropriate tools, and we have already established subforums, in each world, for Fellowships Seeking Members.
I would like to sponsor an experiment, for the next six months or so, to determine if we can evolve a forum toolset that's appropriate and adequate for the support of your Fellowships.
We intend to support one thread per Fellowship, with an anchor post and series of posts that contain content that will be valid for at least several weeks. As time goes on, and as policies evolve, the order of the messages will become more and more jumbled. In addition to the searching capabilities that are inherent in the forum software, we feel that an index will be needed. For example:
Current Needs
We would like to identify a couple of Fellowships that have sibling Fellowships in more than one world. We would like to work with a couple of key people in each of those Fellowships, in multiple worlds, to determine what's useful, and what's more bother than is worth the effort.