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    Your Elvenar Team

AW donations when visiting


Oh Wise One
As the game progresses peoples towns get larger and larger and they acquire more wonders. This can make finding wonders in peoples towns difficult, especially if you are looking for a specific wonder. This sounds all too familiar to the town visits and culture issue, so I thought a solution similar to that might be useful.

If a little wonder icon was available next to the hands in the fellowship and world map screens then a person could just click on that and be provided with a quick list of available wonders in that town and open the preferred wonder from that list. While this could be a simple interface it could also have more detail on it if the devs were willing, like:
  • Research status - 212/400kp
  • Your "rank" if any in the research list
  • If the wonder is built but at a rune stage or upgrading
  • Highlight preferred wonder - Note this would not limit donations, so the donor could still select from any wonder in the town as is currently possible
The main aim is to make it much simpler and easy to find and donate to wonders in peoples towns.
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Make it easier than that. Let everyone "flag" one of their Wonders, with a box to check or something, as the one they want people donating to. Then when someone visits, there would be an icon to click that would take you straight to that wonder. This would work great on mobile once they implement AW donating with the app.


Oh Wise One
A visual aide for preference would work. As long as the preference didn't restrict donation to only that wonder, as people donate for so many reasons and methods.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
A visual aide for preference would work. As long as the preference didn't restrict donation to only that wonder, as people donate for so many reasons and methods.

True, but for players like me who only work on one wonder at a time, it is irritating to see kp put into a wonder I have no plans to level up any time soon. Personally, I would like it if kp donations could be restricted to just the wonders I have already put kp into, in order to prevent this random stuff.


But, but... If you want to improve an AW that I'm far from having, and I'd like to get some rune shards for an AW I do have, I want to contribute to that AW. You get benefit in the long run, and I get benefit in the short run.

(Obviously this doesn't apply to FS AW chains because I get the short run benefit and so do you.)


Oh Wise One
But, but... If you want to improve an AW that I'm far from having, and I'd like to get some rune shards for an AW I do have, I want to contribute to that AW.
Good point. What might be a nice alternative is if we had a way to highlight some buildings in our cities so that they are obvious to visitors. Allow us to choose to have one AW highlighted by default, and our choice of up to 5 (or 10) buildings hi-lighted when someone clicks the helper hands.

Deleted User - 593524

Make it easier than that. Let everyone "flag" one of their Wonders, with a box to check or something, as the one they want people donating to. Then when someone visits, there would be an icon to click that would take you straight to that wonder. This would work great on mobile once they implement AW donating with the app.

Great idea


True, but for players like me who only work on one wonder at a time, it is irritating to see kp put into a wonder I have no plans to level up any time soon. Personally, I would like it if kp donations could be restricted to just the wonders I have already put kp into, in order to prevent this random stuff.
Talk about picky, jeez. Someone's free help isn't convenient enough...


What benefit do you get in the short run? Anyone adding to an AW gets nothing back until it is full.

I was talking about rune shards. If I am trying to do the first actions on AW(1) -- I want rune shards for AW(1). I get them by contributing to your AW(1). That's my short-term benefit.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Maybe the current system needs tweaked in regards to the rewards. Maybe those who do not get the AW rune get a rune shard and everybody get at least 1KP and one rune shard in return. We have a Wonder Wednesday promotion and often 10-12 people give to a single AW. The top ones get rewarded, the rest get nothing. To encourage everyone to give they should something back.

In addition, I like the idea of either a "designated" AW -- one the player chooses for "quick" deposit AND a better "where's the AW" finding system -- maybe in addition to the little star above them have them glow?

The Quick AW could be a button next to the home in your fellowship list -- you click and it just asks you how much to give. If it's more than the AW needs it tells you, otherwise it takes applies it without even needing to visit. The other way would be to go to the world view and have a similar button next to the hands with the same process. Click, how much?, Click, done.



Oh Wise One
Maybe the current system needs tweaked in regards to the rewards. Maybe those who do not get the AW rune get a rune shard and everybody get at least 1KP and one rune shard in return. We have a Wonder Wednesday promotion and often 10-12 people give to a single AW. The top ones get rewarded, the rest get nothing. To encourage everyone to give they should something back.

That's why a number of fellowships use a wonder society, everyone gets a reward. Check out gems of knowledge if you need more info.

The Quick AW could be a button next to the home in your fellowship list -- you click and it just asks you how much to give. If it's more than the AW needs it tells you, otherwise it takes applies it without even needing to visit. The other way would be to go to the world view and have a similar button next to the hands with the same process. Click, how much?, Click, done.

The problem with this is a lot more clicking and such if you do not wish to donate to the preferred wonder, or what if they have not selected one. The idea is to keep it very simple with effectively a list of wonders so you can donate or go to the wonder from there. The list could have a way to highlight preference should they wish a preference method. It could also just show your town name similar to visits.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
The Quick Wonder button can and would only be active if a wonder was chosen and you could just ignore it if you wanted to go to the city and actually pick your wander target. In other words, no more clicking if you choose the current way, and less clicking if you go for the pre-determined one. The only time it would be more clicking is if the amount you want to give is greater than what is needed but in that case the Quick Wonder button could display the amount needed and not allow you to put in more.



Buddy Fan Club member
I was talking about rune shards. If I am trying to do the first actions on AW(1) -- I want rune shards for AW(1). I get them by contributing to your AW(1). That's my short-term benefit.
Maybe you didn't read his full message. It looks like you missed this part:
Anyone adding to an AW gets nothing back until it is full.
I have 2 AW's in my large city that I built strictly for the cliff art. I don't try to fill the kp bars at all. One of them has a few names in there that donated 1-2 kp (not my FS members or neighbors, though I've seen some of them drop in some at times. Point is, those poor folks have wasted that kp. Unless someone else just decides to put a couple hundred kp into it, they will never get the rewards because it will never be a full kp bar.