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Chapter 17 - Traders of Unur - Discussion


Well-Known Member
Post CH17 Traumatic Stress Disorder. I gutted it out. Now I’ve lost my motivation for the game. I still will help my FS and see if I can get into CH18. But logging in for 3 hour collections is out.

Deleted User - 593524

Post CH17 Traumatic Stress Disorder. I gutted it out. Now I’ve lost my motivation for the game. I still will help my FS and see if I can get into CH18. But logging in for 3 hour collections is out.

Ok. Thanks

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Post CH17 Traumatic Stress Disorder. I gutted it out. Now I’ve lost my motivation for the game. I still will help my FS and see if I can get into CH18. But logging in for 3 hour collections is out.

The guest race productions in chapter 18 are 4 hours and 8 hours. Portal productions are shorter, but can't be done without the other productions first.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Post CH17 Traumatic Stress Disorder. I gutted it out. Now I’ve lost my motivation for the game. I still will help my FS and see if I can get into CH18. But logging in for 3 hour collections is out.
I have a fellow who finished right before 18 came out, and he's taken a break.


New Member
I am in Chapter 17, and the side quest says to call in large ships, with a counter. What does it want, I sure don't have room
for three large ships of each flavor.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Do side quests have to be completed to finish the chapter?

None of the quests have to be done, unless you want to see the story that goes with the chapter quests. All you have to do is complete all the required research, and the first research of the next chapter, and you will get a Decline option added to all the story quests.


Active Member
Sorry for necroing this post, but I have to complain about the absolute brutality of this Chapter.

As many players have noted, the non-capped goods requirement (shrimps, keys, & pearls) are massive for and after the small ships techs.
I originally decided to build 2 large ships and 3 small ships, but after getting stuck on the small ship researches, I realized that this is going to take forever. So I teleported about 1/3 of my city to make space for a massive fleet - 3 large ships and 9 small ships for each type.

Now I'm 48k deep in negative population, and just realized that the "Final Elvenar Style Residences" requires 55M coins, which means I have to upgrade my Main Hall to get past that. Since there are only 3 mandatory research after that, my current plan is to produce all the required non-capped goods after that, tear down all the ships, and rebuild my pop buildings to upgrade Main Hall.

Not sure how long that's gonna take, but this is by far the most brutal chapter in terms of settlements production. (The short production cycles [3hr max] of small ships are also a major source of complaint. Thankfully we now have the one button that starts productions for all buildings of the same type. Can't imagine how brutal it was back then.)


Well-Known Member
While having 9 small ships each will get you there, there are times when you will need shrimp and not the other goods. Consider teleporting some ships to make your goods lopsided and more in tune with the needs of the tree.


Active Member
Most people I know got rid of the large ships. Just had the flagships and the small ships. ...and yes does take time. Hang in there.

I considered this, and made a spreadsheet calculator to calculate the exact net gain of shrimps/keys/peals per hour when I'm awake and doing 15-min productions. Then I calculated how much overnight production I would lose by getting rid of the 3 large ships and building 4 small ones on 9hr cycle. The amount of overnight production loss has to be more than made up by the increase of daytime 15-min production in order to make the change worth it. Turns out, according to my calculations, with no large ship and 4 extra small ships (of each type), I have to manually do around 5 hours of 15-min cycles during the day to make up the loss of overnight production. Although I'm doing it all day now, I'm not sure if I can keep this up for a few more weeks. So I'm keeping my large ships.


Well-Known Member
After reading thru this thread i have come to the conclusion as follows. for the first time skip the quest ,keep 1 large ship each have as many small as space allows and complete the tech tree. anything else is a waste of resources thank you all for helping me reach this conclusion


Tetris Master
Finished first research 23/10, then did Expansion 50, and now going back to Expansion 49 whilst Unurium builds up. I'm guessing the Trader Power can only be impacted with upgrade to Superior Trader in Ch18, or future AWs.

Will see how I go. I have the resource requirements planned out in excel. Biggest hurdle will be mana or seeds I think for all the Ezero, but perhaps it will turn out to be the other settlement resources. I'm lucky that lockdowns have permitted me to work from home, so I can be on every 3 hours.

My focus might just shift to AW upgrades if chapter progression takes a long time.

If there are other words of wisdom now that more players have progressed or completed it, I'd be glad for the advice.

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Tetris Master
An update, 2.5 weeks later. I have just researched Trading Center 2.

Using the mandatory Mana for now, but will switch to sentient goods for Ezero once Trader Lvl 3 is reached. Using Royal Restorations to upgrade mana and seed buildings.

It certainly does seem veeery slow at first (plenty of time for AW upgrades), but as the trader is upgraded and unlocks 2 more slots, I will be able to get 8 then 10 hrs each night, instead of only 6 hours of Ezero, which will carry me round the clock.

I have found layouts that will allow me to complete quests for buildings the various buildings, and will have the space for (1+1+1)+(3+3+3 larges)+(3+3+3 smalls), and then swapping out smalls to meet the quests for 6 smalls of the same type.

Decided to start building the Vortex of Storage, to increase the Portal Profit returns. Will the BTG also help portal profits returns, or only the production of the resources?

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Tetris Master
An update, a further 28 days later. I have just researched Trading Center 3.

I used a mix of Mana and seeds, including using time instants to speed up Ezero production. It still seems slow at times, but I'm using the KP to upgrade Ancient Wonders. Vortex of Storage is now lvl 6, and halfway to lvl 7. I have used spare Orcs to upgrade GA and MH to lvl 31, and added another two levels to my Timewarp.

At first I considered saving all my production to unlock Trading Center 3 research, but in the end decided to build the three of each Large Ship first, as that greatly helped the Settlement resource production, and I could boost Ezero with time instants. I am using time instants now until Trading Center is upgraded to lvl 4. I will then use the Portal Profits I have saved up, currently 1525%, which equates to 3,129,300. I will still need to produce it normally for a while after that. Ezero is still what will take me the longest to produce to finish the chapter.

As I upgraded workshops and residences to lvl 38 I also removed quite a few to make space.

Current layout here at ElvenArchitect

I will be removing the excess culture and population to fit the Small ships, and provide an update again when I research Trading Center 4. The large ships are certainly helping with Settlement production, so hoping the small ships will further benefit.

I still don't have the BTG, but the increased guest race production it provides is probably worthwhile if you have it.
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Tetris Master
Another update, a further 3 weeks later. I researched and upgraded to Trading Centre 4 between Christmas and New Year.

I am now looking at mid to late February chapter completion, and will use time boosts for the Settlement Production now to speed things up if I can. Using my boosted Silly Soap to produce Ezero is now much easier, and with the portal profits I also have enough to complete the chapter, thus time boosts will go on producing the three settlement resources (Luxuries, Delicacies and Artifacts). I am producing sufficient seeds and mana to keep up with those requirements.

I managed to fit the portal, the three main buildings, 3 each of the large ships, and also 6 each of the small ships, but production still feels slow and dependent on me being available for shorter run productions which are more efficient. Having a high level BTG would help, but I never needed it before this so haven't built it. I removed 10 Orc Nests and most culture only buildings to make space for the settlement buildings.

My Vortex of Storage is now upgrading to lvl 10, assisting my portal profit size (and sentient goods production).

Using the Winter Magic buildings I managed to upgrade enough population to allow me to upgrade Main Hall and manufactories, although I haven't quite worked out how to fit the upgraded Armories or Gems/Elixir manufactories in my city. Need to do 1 Armory and 2 of either Gems/Elixir then 3 workshops and 10 residences for the quests.

Current layout here at ElvenArchitect