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Chapter 17 - Traders of Unur - Discussion


Tetris Master
Hi @Jackluyt
One more which has been altered for the live worlds, I'm in S6 Sinya Arda. It was a relief to see it reduced.
Quest 69.


I'm looking for the quest list for Traders. If its here I havent found it. anyone know where I might find it? Thank you

Also is there a quest to sell the senate from Embassies?

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I'm looking for the quest list for Traders. If its here I havent found it. anyone know where I might find it? Thank you

Also is there a quest to sell the senate from Embassies?

There is probably a quest list on Jack's Facebook group Platinum Leaf. elvengems stopped posting chapter quest lists after 16, so you will have to google one otherwise. And I can't remember if there is one for the Senate.


Thank you. I have a player asking and I dont have a quest to sell senate in my notes so thought I'd check. And ty for the information


Tetris Master
Finished last research today, and first research 23/10, so it has taken 3 months and 12 days. Accumulating mana again so I can upgrade Main Hall, which is required to have enough coins (70M) to do Ch18 first research, so not out of the chapter yet. Should just manage before end of event.

Now, I have been able to be home most days, using the 15 min small ship production. I kept making Magic Academy producing time boosts, and used these too to assist settlement production. I produced Ezero using Tier 3 Sentient Goods only after lvl 3 Trading Center was upgraded, in addition to Portal Profits.

I ended up removing all my residences to make space for more small ships, and have gone through a few stages of boosting various types of small ships depending on the settlement resource needed. I did this between quests 53 and 63, researching ahead, and producing settlement goods until I only needed to get 40,000 Luxuries for quest 69, then I put back my population, and completed the armory upgrade (Q63), residence upgrade (Q65) and later on the workshop upgrade (Q74). I am now waiting to complete Q75 until after I have done the Main Hall upgrade.

Some pictures:
Unur 32.JPG
Unur 35.JPG
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Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Finished last research today, and first research 23/10, so it has taken 3 months and 12 days. Accumulating mana again so I can upgrade Main Hall, which is required to have enough coins (70M) to do Ch18 first research, so not out of the chapter yet. Should just manage before end of event.

Now, I have been able to be home most days, using the 15 min small ship production. I kept making Magic Academy producing time boosts, and used these too to assist settlement production. I produced Ezero using Tier 3 Sentient Goods only after lvl 3 Trading Center was upgraded, in addition to Portal Profits.

I ended up removing all my residences to make space for more small ships, and have gone through a few stages of boosting various types of small ships depending on the settlement resource needed. I did this between quests 53 and 63, researching ahead, and producing settlement goods until I only needed to get 40,000 Luxuries for quest 69, then I put back my population, and completed the armory upgrade (Q63), residence upgrade (Q65) and later on the workshop upgrade (Q74). I am now waiting to complete Q75 until after I have done the Main Hall upgrade.

Some pictures:
These posts really helped me to see how to move forward. Thank you so much, Iamthouth. And thanks to Jack Luyt and all those who posted such great info on this thread.


Oh Wise One
These posts really helped me to see how to move forward. Thank you so much, Iamthouth. And thanks to Jack Luyt and all those who posted such great info on this thread.
I am doing ch 17 now. If you do not already have Blooming Trader, I would build and level it for this chapter. I did not use BTG at all in the first 15 chapters. It was not necessary as long as I could portal profit through chapters. I started BTG late in ch 16, based on reports I was seeing about how things would be in ch 17. And it is worth it's weight in gold!


Buddy Fan Club member
I am doing ch 17 now. If you do not already have Blooming Trader, I would build and level it for this chapter. I did not use BTG at all in the first 15 chapters. It was not necessary as long as I could portal profit through chapters. I started BTG late in ch 16, based on reports I was seeing about how things would be in ch 17. And it is worth it's weight in gold!
I second this!! I was in Ch17 before I figured this part out. Finally had an excuse for why I hoard thousands of kps in the kp bar instead of spending them, lol! I'd spend some kp on it, put it in chat w/ chests available, finish it and upgrade with time boosts; rinse & repeat. It's at lvl 14. Since I'm parked at the beginning of Ch18 for now, I'm leaving it sit for awhile and working on other things. Before I move forward in the tech tree, I'll get it to lvl 21. I can't imagine how much slower Ch17 would have been without it. As it was, I'm still convinced there's not enough shrimp in all the oceans of Elvenar...


Oh Wise One
Since I'm parked at the beginning of Ch18 for now,
Why park at the start of 18? I had finished ch 15, which gave me the 3 star promotions for Rangers and Frogs. And I had parked at the start of ch 16. I am a fighter, so the 3 reasons I decided to resume my advance through the tech tree are: 1. the 4 star promotion for Orc Strats in ch 18, 2. the 4 star promotion for Rangers in ch 19, and 3. the 4 star promotion for Cerberus in ch 19. I do know there are other 4 star promotions in ch 18 and 19, but those are the 3 I want because I use those 3 units heavily. But it seems to me that be parking at the start of 18, you are stopping short of any of these. And you always struck me as a combat oriented player, so I was wondering why you are not pressing forward to get these?


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I am doing ch 17 now. If you do not already have Blooming Trader, I would build and level it for this chapter. I did not use BTG at all in the first 15 chapters. It was not necessary as long as I could portal profit through chapters. I started BTG late in ch 16, based on reports I was seeing about how things would be in ch 17. And it is worth it's weight in gold!
You're right, Henroo; I love my BTG. I built it early, but it wasn't useful back then so I sold it. I built it again in chapter 13 and have really loved using it ever since. I always have to buy from the wholesaler because my prosperity towers and oodles of power of provisions always keep me hitting the max on supplies. I usually buy at least 6 items from the wholesaler every day, in order to keep under my max on supplies. Yes, I'm building it up more now; I think it's at level 18 right now, but it may be higher; I can't remember. I want to max it for sure.


Buddy Fan Club member
Why park at the start of 18?
Because I'm an odd duck? :D
I, too, began with parking at the start of Ch16 (where the other city is still parked, though it reached there later). I just thought I hated the long slog through chapters before I started moving through 16 and then 17. My sole reason for completing Ch17 was finding out there was a Blue Dragon AW at the end of it. No, I didn't know what it did. No, I didn't care. I wanted the beautiful Blue Dragon in my city. And now I have it at lvl 1 where it will remain for the foreseeable future. But it's so pretty and sparkly! You see, I want to learn the efficient way to do things in the game so I have plenty of room to indulge myself!
I figured out something else along the way: the slog can get worse. Like bad enough that if going through chapters was the only thing offered by the game, I'd probably be playing way less if not gone completely. If it was slow because it was challenging, that would be different, but it's not. It's slow just to be slow. Here's the scenario I see playing out in the office:
*Staff #1
Here's an idea: We make it take 100's of thousands of these thingies (referred to as guest race goods in-game) for research, buildings, upgrades, etc, then make those thingies not be capped goods, so PP's are worthless. Then we'll make the only source for them to be guest race bldgs that crank out a whopping 50 of these thingies in 12hrs. And that is the highest amount they'll make and only after the portal is at lvl 4 boosting them. A lvl 30 BTG would add 40% to that production, but still. That ought to make it take a few months to finish the chapter, shouldn't it?
*Staff #2
We can also mess with the production times on the various options in the bldgs such that it's either too short or too long for most players to easily schedule with their regular city play schedule. Oh! We can play around with making some of them required to produced others, so we have 2-4 groups of 'thingies' just to confuse the issue so they think between production times and types of thingies there's some strategy here that will work to speed things up. Since the chapter demands are so high, it won't matter, there's no strategy that's useful here! They'll be limited to using time boosts/diamonds to progress any faster and that'll be that.
*Company Bean Counter
Run with that!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Because I'm an odd duck? :D
I, too, began with parking at the start of Ch16 (where the other city is still parked, though it reached there later). I just thought I hated the long slog through chapters before I started moving through 16 and then 17. My sole reason for completing Ch17 was finding out there was a Blue Dragon AW at the end of it. No, I didn't know what it did. No, I didn't care. I wanted the beautiful Blue Dragon in my city. And now I have it at lvl 1 where it will remain for the foreseeable future. But it's so pretty and sparkly! You see, I want to learn the efficient way to do things in the game so I have plenty of room to indulge myself!
I figured out something else along the way: the slog can get worse. Like bad enough that if going through chapters was the only thing offered by the game, I'd probably be playing way less if not gone completely. If it was slow because it was challenging, that would be different, but it's not. It's slow just to be slow. Here's the scenario I see playing out in the office:
*Staff #1
Here's an idea: We make it take 100's of thousands of these thingies (referred to as guest race goods in-game) for research, buildings, upgrades, etc, then make those thingies not be capped goods, so PP's are worthless. Then we'll make the only source for them to be guest race bldgs that crank out a whopping 50 of these thingies in 12hrs. And that is the highest amount they'll make and only after the portal is at lvl 4 boosting them. A lvl 30 BTG would add 40% to that production, but still. That ought to make it take a few months to finish the chapter, shouldn't it?
*Staff #2
We can also mess with the production times on the various options in the bldgs such that it's either too short or too long for most players to easily schedule with their regular city play schedule. Oh! We can play around with making some of them required to produced others, so we have 2-4 groups of 'thingies' just to confuse the issue so they think between production times and types of thingies there's some strategy here that will work to speed things up. Since the chapter demands are so high, it won't matter, there's no strategy that's useful here! They'll be limited to using time boosts/diamonds to progress any faster and that'll be that.
*Company Bean Counter
Run with that!
That's as accurate a scenario as any I could think of. Sigh ... I miss challenging. I hate tedium. But I'll keep playing too. Don't ask me why, lol.


New Member
Since I could only find one post worth reading about this chapter, I decided to start a discussion.

First, it doesn't seam worth while to build any settlement buildings other than the 3 main ships and trading center.

All other ships only convert what is made by the main 3. So any idea why I should waste my city space on large or small ships?


Tetris Master
@CmdSgtMjr depends how patient you want to be. The 3 main ships are slow producers, and are limited to one each, so to progress you need the large and particularly the small ships which can be built in multiples.


New Member
I have a question about a story quest in chapter 17: "Build any of the three new culture buildings"
I tried building three cultural buildings that are not on my game-board. Doesn't work. Looks like I need the latest and the freshest.
The problem is, the newest/latest ones all require diamonds, so I built the ones that don't ask for any. I now have two Wolf Shrines and there is still no progress in the story quest pop-up window. Do I HAVE to spend diamonds on this?

I am going pretty fast through research in Chapter 17. I only keep the absolutely essential buildings and build a lot of settlement buildings. Once I don't need that element/goods to advance the research, I delete the unnecessary ships (in this chapter) and build different ones to get a bigger volume. If you are interested, check out my city Astragrad in Elcysandir (player Mura32).

I also use a lot of time capsules, portal profits and magical manufacturing spells. I also teleport buildings as needed.



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