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    Your Elvenar Team

City Expansions


We are desperate for more city expansions. Each chapter should have 10. You enlarge the buildings where one building takes up more and 1 expansion. and we need so many buildings. the sizes change direction and size and so we have to sell other things we need to try and accommodate a building or 2 in the new shape and size. this is asinine. We can't scout much anymore so can't get provinces there, we can't buy them unless our name is daddy war-bucks, and we do not get near enough in the tech tree. Pull your heads out and wipe your eyes people. You are running the damn game into the ground. Not everyone wants to battle. I hate it. Takes too long, uses way too many supplies to build an army and the army gets creamed because we don't come close to being even. I hate fighting but I am forced to go back in the tech tree and complete some stupid battle crap that I could care less about. I hate fighting as do so many others.. we want to build a city, and fighting occasionally would be fine if we had a chance of winning. Battles are not "beloved" by many of your players. nope.. they are not even tolerated yet you continuously cram them down out throats. you know.. so many in my world map have "left the game" "I quit" "game sucks" and other things. it's hard to trade with someone that no longer plays. It's hard to find neighbors when we can't scout. It's hard to find a reason to play this game any more.. sadly I have invested so damn much money into it I keep hoping things will change. but you have your heads up your hineys. As a German, I am ashamed to call you landsman. you suck at it.


10 per chapter is way too many.
But the 3 that are available per chapter now is way too few. I think 4 in the odd chapters and 5 in the even chapters would be reasonable.

Some more should be gained by fighting or negotiating the provinces. Personally I still think they need to fix the slaughterhouse system, since all military research is complete humbug to me as there is no chance of winning any fights anymore.

And yes, I too have invested so many euro's in the game I keep hoping thinsg will change, but I'm more and more on the forum than in the game, since the game itself gets less and less exciting and less and less fun to play.
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Leave it like it is and put the Diamond cost for Expansions like it was before - if they did as you suggest i sure wouldn't be a happy customer not that i am all that happy with them anymore with a 450 percent price increase on the Diamond Expansions cost increase


Is this game trying to drive us away? I haven't been able to build anything new for ages because no new expansions. I can't upgrade until I have enough sticks and orc poo. (So sick of sticks and orc poo!) I can't win fights because of new rules and being already too far ahead in the map. Now I have to go backwards to complete added new battle researches I can't use. You've finally done it Elvenar. You've made this game so tedious, as soon as I've used up the diamonds I've got, I'm quitting this game. I may as well clean up the sticks and dog poo in my real backyard and have something to show for it.


increase expansion too either 6x6 or 7x7 would fix some of the problems were facing.
5x5 is just not enough to warrant the present or old cost.


again... put 8 to 10 city expansions in each chapter to assist with the growth of buildings and such.


10 extra expansions is way too many. Maybe 1 or 2 more added in actual strategic places i.e. after residence upgrades, etc. Would make more sense. But it does seem that expansions are not distributed in the right areas of the tech tree, if they had been you would have the space needed to upgrade. As it stands now, some chapters have expansions right after one another and nowhere near a building upgrade. What this means is, players use that extra space to add more buildings they don't need and the when they need the space they are unwilling to delete buildings from those new expansions to accommodate. To put it another way: a building upgrade after researching it nets a lot more production per square. This means you need less buildings as you grow...Not more.. By deleting a building and upgrading 2 in it's place will net a higher output in production (and score) than trying to fill a new expansion with lower level buildings.

This is a city builder game.. City management is key to success :)


I still think 10 per chapter is too many. If only because with that number you'd be able to fill the whole city-grid without ever needing province-expansions and there should be some incentive to get those.
(And yes, there should be some incentive to buy premium expansions, but that only works if they make the prices reasonable. But a company needs to gain income somewhere.)

But the really weird distribution is a problem.

And the 3/chapter is way too few indeed. Up it to 4 or 5 and you'd find it much more reasonable. I know, I bought 2 premium expansions per chapter in order to be able to continue, together with the ones I could gain from conquering, even though the longer scouting times made it so that sometimes I'd have to wait for a few days, but that was ok.

That would indeed make sense too. The game would be very playable with only 3 expansions/chapter if the buildings didn't get bigger after the upgrades, or when the increase in production would be so good one could make do with fewer factories.
However, the hanging on to useless buildings isn't true. I've many times been unable to upgrade due to lack of pop, or lack of culture. Even when I have coins coming out of my ears, the amount of pop is way too low.

The increase in pop/upgrade is rather low, so people need to put down so many residences it swallows up space in a rapid pace. In the dwarven chapter the increase in pop/upgrade is minimal. The real gain is in the less space/residence (by one square), but still I feel that at least the second upgrade there should give a more substantial pop-increase.

The increase in pop in the fairy chapter also is really low. Too low. Especially considering the really HUGE demand on more pop from the tier 2 factory upgrades. Even selling 1 maxed out tier 2 factory won't even begin to compensate for the pop demand of upgrading 1 to the new max.
My scroll factory at lvl 15 used up 1195 pop. The upgrade to lvl 16 alone is 720 pop. To upgrade it from lvl 15 to lvl 19 requires 1746 pop.
So for each factory, the needed pop MORE THAN DOUBLES. The increase in goods however is only around 60% (lvl 15 vs lvl 19).
It means that yet more room needs to be used for residences since the yield in additional pop is so low, or one is hopelessly stuck. Coupled with the increase in size of both the factories and the workshops that is really awkward with the low number of expansions available.
Sure, one could have 3 and sell 1, go on with 2, but the amount of goods needed grows more rapidly with each chapter. And with the sell of 1 you're not even able to upgrade 1 of the both other factories.
The increase in pop from the residences is 40/upgrade, so 80 per residence. Meaning that to upgrade 1 factory you need to upgrade 22 residences twice!
So, to go from 3 to 2 factories, you need to max about 40 residences (the difference comes from the sale of 1 factory) and that doesn't take into account the need for pop for the upgrades of the workshops, the main hall and the battle related buildings, so one needs 50-60 residences at least. That's lot of space, especially when adding the roads.
And when going from 3 to 2 factories, the increase in goods is only minimal, so there really is not much gain either way.

And actually, when one has figured out how many workshops one needs to be able to keep the city running that amount pretty much stays the same througout the game. Their output increases with each upgrade, but so does the demand. So selling workshops to make do with fewer ones doesn't seem to work out very well.
Well, at least not until I mostly scrapped the fighting and a lot of the battle-related buildings. Not having to produce a lot of troops all the time because the fights are impossible anyway definitely was a reason to sell.
Yet had the battlesystem not been screwed-up so much, I wouldn't have been able to keep replacing my losses in battle.
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What this means is, players use that extra space to add more buildings they don't need and the when they need the space they are unwilling to delete buildings from those new expansions to accommodate. To put it another way: a building upgrade after researching it nets a lot more production per square. This means you need less buildings as you grow...Not more.. By deleting a building and upgrading 2 in it's place will net a higher output in production (and score) than trying to fill a new expansion with lower level buildings.
What is that!!! Logic? Get your logic off me...I want more expansions *stomps foot*



*grins*...logic should be forbidden here. Innogames sure doesn't seem to be driven by logic.
But as my answer above shows, the logic is fine and I agree with it, except that it doesn't really work out in the field.

Oh, btw, I didn't look at the effect of ranking points, but that is something I really don't care about one way or the other.


increase expansion too either 6x6 or 7x7 would fix some of the problems were facing.
5x5 is just not enough to warrant the present or old cost.

Wouldn't work, because then ALL the grids need to be adapted to 6x6 and that would be a major change.
But they just should add a few more in the tree. Personally, I'm much happier researching an expansion that researching (later added or original) battle-related tech that doesn't do me any good at all, even when I'm going to 'save some space' by NOT upgrading or building those buildings.


I like to fight...and I am a hoarder! These are conflicting, I need more expansions to reconcile these personality traits.
Do you have any idea how many manufactories I could fit in 42 expansions....I don't even care if it would make my game less challenging.

I could build every single wonder, fight, and hoard goods, plus max out on supplies!
I could keep my culture up at 170 to boot!

*rubs hands together*


I like to fight...and I am a hoarder! These are conflicting, I need more expansions to reconcile these personality traits.
Do you have any idea how many manufactories I could fit in 42 expansions....I don't even care if it would make my game less challenging.

I could build every single wonder, fight, and hoard goods, plus max out on supplies!
I could keep my culture up at 170 to boot!

*rubs hands together*

I'm the same way! Fighting is really fun and strategically scouting always gets me provinces that are winnable :) I already have more goods than I need to unlock every single tech from where I am to the end of Fairies, my culture stays at 175% without neighborly help and I have to keep dumping coins and supplies in the trader! I like to hoard expansions too, but I don't put anything on them ;) But this only applies to one of my worlds right now.