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    Your Elvenar Team

City Expansions


My city is in Winyandor as well. I have a lot more factories and workshops than you guys do. But I cater so need more goods. So I will just borrow Kaylee's blue tree for a couple years or so and erm.... does anyone have a front loader I can borrow????

JP you are well into fairies as well and you do have more culture than I do. smiles a lot more. those lamps are cool!!! I took a few as you had so many and didn't think you'd miss them. grins
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I like to fight...and I am a hoarder! These are conflicting, I need more expansions to reconcile these personality traits.
Do you have any idea how many manufactories I could fit in 42 expansions....I don't even care if it would make my game less challenging.

I could build every single wonder, fight, and hoard goods, plus max out on supplies!
I could keep my culture up at 170 to boot!

*rubs hands together*

I liked the fighting, and so I had enough factories to make sure I could go through the game, seeing the fights as a way to gain more expansions which were needed to make room for the growing buildings. NOT necessarily the growing number of buildings. Actually, further and further in the game, I had less factories.

And my culture tends to be high at the start of a new chapter, because then I've just sold off all the old ones and replaced them with the better ones that I unlocked at the end of the previous chapter.
As I progress through the chapter, my culture goes down and I've had periods where I couldn't upgrade due to lack of culture and I'd had to scrape and shift and reorganise to get the room for a bit more culture. Nothing wrong with that. I'm not a very firm believer in the culturebonus anyway.

However, I now am mainly a goods manufacturer. And yes, a hoarder. Sold most of the military buildings and added more factories. Doesn't make much of a difference space-wise, except that the military buildings are useless to me now.


There seems to be a general consensus/ agreement that additional expansions acquired through the tech tree is needed. I do agree that 10 per chapter is on the extreme side, that would = 90 expansions as we currently have 9 chapters and would eliminate any challenge of building our cities.

Currently we receive the following amount of expansions from the tech tree ...

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 2 - 3
Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 4 - 5
Chapters 5 and 6 - 6 each (total of 12)
Chapter 7 - 5
Chapter 8 - 4
Chapter 9 - 3

Grand total of 38 expansions form the tech tree

My suggestion for additional expansions from the tech tree would be as follows ...

Chapters 1, 2, 8 and 9 - 2 extra each (8 total)
Chapters 3, 4 and 7 - 1 extra each ( 3 total)
Chapters 5 and 6 - none

This would make for a new Grand total of 49 expansions from the tech tree. I don't think 11 additional expansions would be game breaking, would still leave a challenge for us to build and still allow Inno to earn income from premium expansions. (If anyone is crazy enough to pay the new prices, lol)

Just thought of this, anyone see a pattern in the current earned expansions. Start at the bottom, go uphill to a peak and now back down hill. So does that mean if we get a 10th chapter, it will only provide 2 expansions from the tech tree? :confused:
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Maybe the next chapter is pixies or sprites....smaller building:p

Come to think of it, dwarves and fairies are shorter than humans. Maybe that's why their buildings are a tad smaller. But yeah, I'd like smaller buildings. The big ones are often gaudy or ugly eyesores. Pixies or sprites or...hobbitses!


Mathematician par Excellence
I dunno, I just finished my design for fairies, and as long as 4 day farms and 3 night farms is enough I can fit every max building in the 7x8 grid I'm finishing dwarves with. Another 10 expansions from chapters 1-6 would take a lot of the challenge out for me.
Note: I only have 1 armory, and my barracks isn't maxed, but I'm also not counting the 5 expansions I'll get in Chapter 7 nor the 3 I'll get from clearing provinces, so I think those 8 expansions could fit a couple more armories and their support buildings.
Edit: Yep I checked, and I could get 2 more armories, and max them all including barracks and support buildings using 6 of the 8 expansions I will get =
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