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    Your Elvenar Team

Coins Collected Less Than Coins in Residences

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Game Version: v1.20.9-(aa64468) (2017-01-09 11:01)
Game World: Winyandor
Browser Version: Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Flash Player Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account Name: Draconomicon
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 4/5 = happens often

Quest Title: Gain 200,000 Coins + Produce Advanced Tools 2x

Current Situation: Amount of coins collected is less than coins in residences.

I've noticed for at least 5 days that my residential coins are less than what I actually collect. For example: Just a short while ago, residence shows 11079 but the brief display shows 10780 was added to the coins bar on top. Occurred in 10 residences. That's a small difference but there have been times when the difference was quite big. Earlier today, each of my Lv17 residences showed at least 20,780 coins so I collected from 10 to fulfill a quest but, when I checked the adviser, it showed that only around 138,000 had been collected when it should have been at least 200,780. I thought there might have been a delay with the display since that often happens so I waited but it didn't update so I collected from more residences and it got worse. I had to collect from 10 more Lv17 residences for the adviser and my coins storage to register 200,000 when my residences should have generated more than double that amount.

I normally wouldn't mind this but it really hurt today since I upgraded my MH, scouted, and upgraded a gems manufactory yesterday, and then upgraded the Fairy Portal today and was really low on coins earlier to the point that I had to fight in provinces just to generate enough funds to power my factories.

Expected Situation: Amount collected should match amount in residences.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Move mouse over residence
2. Click to collect
3. Look at coins bar and brief display
4. Repeat multiple times

Screenshots of the bug:
Unfortunately, I can't provide a screenshot as the first display has disappeared by the time the second one appears.
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Oh Wise One
Is it possible the following is occurring for you?

If your culture was boosted enough to create a multiplier, but that boost expired before you collect, the amount indicated when you hover will continue to reflect the boosted result until the game next contacts the server to transfer the coins to MH, at which time, the updated (smaller) numbers will be returned by the server and actually collected.


Is it possible the following is occurring for you?

If your culture was boosted enough to create a multiplier, but that boost expired before you collect, the amount indicated when you hover will continue to reflect the boosted result until the game next contacts the server to transfer the coins to MH, at which time, the updated (smaller) numbers will be returned by the server and actually collected.

It's possible but I highly doubt it since my mouseover and then click took place a second or two apart. It's also not very likely since I've noticed this for at least 5 days and, before today, I had a culture bonus of 125% without NH.


When I spell my workshops and manufactories if the spell runs out during production, the mouse over when it's complete shows the "spell boosted" production numbers. When I collect I only get the normal production. There is a delay between mouse over accuracy and actual. I am assuming you put in an in-game ticket, can you let us know the results? I will pay a bit more attention to my residence collections.


When I spell my workshops and manufactories if the spell runs out during production, the mouse over when it's complete shows the "spell boosted" production numbers. When I collect I only get the normal production. There is a delay between mouse over accuracy and actual. I am assuming you put in an in-game ticket, can you let us know the results? I will pay a bit more attention to my residence collections.

I haven't put in an in-game ticket yet. Also forgot to add that I have been paying attention to my culture again since I now have Ensorcelled Endowment cast on some buildings for the first time since I don't know how long since my MH is upgrading and there was no change in my culture bonus before and after collection.

Yes, I've also noticed that inaccurate display of spell-boosted numbers even though the spell has expired. Yes, there is a delay but I find the delay particularly dumb with Magical Manufacturing which has a 13-hour duration so let's say for example that I collected on the 12th hour and 1st minute, so there's 1 hour left before it expires. Once it has expired, the affected factory will still display the sparklies, spell-boosted numbers, and the spell remaining time as 0 until after you have collected the normal numbers 2 hours and even 8 hours later after which the sparklies and mouseover display finally go away.


Well-Known Member
I am noticing an increased problem with coin as well although I am not sure if it isn't also related to doing more upgrading. I just did two main hall upgrades so I was thinking my coin supply was going to be in better shape and it doesn't feel like that at all.


I think it's because the MH increases by a certain set increment that isn't enough to accommodate the increased cost of upgrading buildings, especially building and upgrading the very expensive guest race buildings.


And now it has affected my visits. My MH should grant me 15,000 per visit. Gave NH to 10 cities. Quest adviser showed only 132,000 (which is the correct amount for my old MH) instead of 150,000. When are the bugs gonna stop??? I seriously need coins!
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