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Confirmed new bug. Can not select favorite ancient wonder


New Member
I have reported a new bug that affects both the iOS and Android apps (not sure about browser interface). It was introduced on the latest release that added the Ancient Wonder tab to the notifications panel. The bug is that the game crashes if you try to set an Ancient Wonder as the favorite. The developer team acknowledged that it is a bug, so there is no need to report it. No ETA when it will be fixed.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Well, dang! I always wanted to be the first to report a real bug. (I've managed only to report one or two imaginary bugs, sigh).

Thanks for updating us on this.



Yes, been a few days now that I can't change my fav AW. Not only is it doing that but every single time I try to unfavorite one as well and/or the changing it kicks me out of the entire game and goes back to loading screen to reload! (I was told it was already a confirmed bug so I figured it was already in here.)