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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Confirmed new bug. Can not select favorite ancient wonder

    I have reported a new bug that affects both the iOS and Android apps (not sure about browser interface). It was introduced on the latest release that added the Ancient Wonder tab to the notifications panel. The bug is that the game crashes if you try to set an Ancient Wonder as the favorite...
  2. Tournaments

    Was there a change made so rewards are inconsistent across chapters or worlds/servers or is this a bug? Today i noticed a change in the tournaments. I just completed my third round through two tournaments in two different worlds. In one I am now post Orcs, Chapter 8 and the other early into...
  3. Troops

    Do you know why some people can still produce troops & I can't? I have been patient but am getting no results & no answers. I am falling behind and losing a ll of my supplies to open provinces. Please advise. If it was everyone i would get it but i find it strange that most of my fellows are...
  4. I'm done with the lack of accountability

    Multiple times now I have lost many many resources due to a bug in the system. There is no means for refunding or fixing this bug. For people who have spent time and in some cases money (diamonds, troops etc) it is unacceptable. Last night I lost all of my goods when an error presented...
  5. Chat Not Working

    Chat does not seem to be working in Keepers of Avalon in Winyandor. Looks like it does when you are not connected. Hindering playing the game quite a bit as my fellowship uses this feature a lot. chat now seems to be working. trader is not. :(
  6. Ancient Wonders friends help

    I just upgraded my Crystal Lighthouse from 1 to 2 yesterday. My top friendly contributor SuperSlurpee in my fellowship says she did not recieve her help reward. Is there something else one needs to do to receive that reward or is this just a carrot placed on a stick in front of the horse?