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    Your Elvenar Team

Crafting Recipes - Master List

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 3932582
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It does say "BP:3" under other, just like any other RR recipe does.
My fault, I couldn't see anything else because I needed to manually rotate my phone... still getting used to different websites.

sorry about wasting your time and getting myself all excited :-(


  • Screenshot_20200916-183957.png
    95.2 KB · Views: 208


Active Member
Quite possible, I don't get any of those recipes so it's hard for me to say. I removed those for now, so if anyone will see any of those in crafting let me know.

Patch Note 1.108:
  • Among the removed Recipes are the Stage 1 versions of all Evolving Buildings except for the four Phoenixes (Aureate, Fire, Storm, and Coldfire), as well as the recently released Festive May Tree. More changes to the available Recipes may happen in future updates.


Oh Wise One
I can confirm that since one of my cities entered a new chapter a couple of weeks after the Summer Solstice event in 2019 and shredded my Stonehenge, it has not turned up in crafting since, and those 9 artifacts in my inventory are a dagger in my heart every time I see them.


Sell them and ease the pain!:p

I have been waiting for another fire phoenix...to use all to the artifacts. I have seen multiples in cities, but I have no idea how they got them.


Set Designer
Sell them and ease the pain!:p

I have been waiting for another fire phoenix...to use all to the artifacts. I have seen multiples in cities, but I have no idea how they got them.
The multiple fire phoenixes came from those who spent a significant amount of money on the phoenix event a year and a half ago. There were no unlimited quests then so these people are the big spenders, gaining over three birds worth of artifacts, while the quests could only accomodate about 1 1/2 bird.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I have been waiting for another fire phoenix...to use all to the artifacts. I have seen multiples in cities, but I have no idea how they got them.

And to add to that, once the event ended, it became impossible to get a second one. So, if you have one in your inventory or placed in your city, another copy will never show up in crafting. If you want a new base, you have to get rid of the one you already have.


Well-Known Member
Can you tell me what they look like? I'm not seeing anything that is called that.
In your Magic Academy there is a crafting tab. These are buildings that show up in there, to be crafted.

Other crafting items: bears, birds, chess sets, traveling merchants, saw mills, culture buildings, relics, speedups, rains(coin,supply, guest race), broken shards....I think that's it?

Bethanne Rainbow

Active Member
In your Magic Academy there is a crafting tab. These are buildings that show up in there, to be crafted.

Other crafting items: bears, birds, chess sets, traveling merchants, saw mills, culture buildings, relics, speedups, rains(coin,supply, guest race), broken shards....I think that's it?
Thanks! Yes, I have speed ups, broken shards, rains, bears, but I've never seen anything that actually says mage multiplier. I usually play on my phone so I may have just missed it. Guess I need to get my glasses out! LOL