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    Your Elvenar Team

Cultural buildings


Please consider upping the culture density of the constructable buildings. Currently they are far below what we can get from events and from the Magic Academy, and they are only required for some quests after which they get sold off. Not sure why the previous topic on this was archived as it is still relevant.


Buddy Fan Club member
Not sure why the previous topic on this was archived
Because it did not follow the requirements the devs have to even look at a suggestion/idea from this forum. Those requirements are here:
Ideas and Suggestions Forum Guide
Before that Guide was posted, there was no path to get these suggestions to anyone with the power to implement them, so we've had this ability for less than a year. Before that, we were just talking among ourselves. One of our volunteer moderators worked really hard to get us a path, but if we don't strictly follow the requirements, they are not allowed to forward the suggestion. The second post in that guide also sets out some of the ideas/suggestions that they are never allowed to forward. This idea is not one of those, so it might be able to be shepherded through the process and get forwarded.
The basic process is: State the idea/suggestion in the format required with all pros/cons noted. Discussion happens. Edit the original post to incorporate relevant info from that discussion (the devs will only look at the original post; they don't see any of the discussion). Once all polished up, tag a moderator to set up an official poll (polls set up by posters don't count) with an ending date. The mod will let you know if anything is missing that needs to be addressed before starting a poll. From the time the poll is announced, no more edits to the original post are allowed or it will invalidate the entire thing and have to be started over. After the poll ends, it's helpful to tag the moderator to remind them and if the votes are favorable they will forward the original post.
This is a one-way path. There is no commitment from the devs to respond at all. When the mods do get a response they let us know. Sometimes that will mean changing the thread type to 'Planned' from 'Forwarded'. Most of the time it's a post saying 'Not what you wanted to hear, but...;


Mathematician par Excellence
Y'all realize that the natural progression of this is for Inno to nerf
What makes you say that?
Remember when it was requested that inno change the tournament from 4 encounters to 1?
Nothing bad happened then. No unintended consequences or anything...

But seriously, inno really is an evil Genie corrupting wishes.
I think I posted this on the EN forums, but maybe it was here, so forgive me if you've heard this one:

A man with a crippled hand walks into the church of Elvenar and prays:
"Please inno, make my hand like the other one"
Inno smiles down upon him and grants his wish, laughing as the man walks out with two crippled hands.