Just like last chapter, you should rush right to night farms, skipping all of the optional tech for now.
- You need 4 or 5 day farms and 3 or 4 night farms. Unlike Chapter 6 more will not really help you since the portal can't hold much.
- At first you will want to crank out sunflowers(day farm) and nightshade(night farms) You need these to upgrade your buildings including the portal.
- Next will be some velvet(day farm) to finish off getting everything to level 4.
- After that you will need cocoons(Day farm) and dreamsheep/fireflies(night farm) Those let you make
- Night Essence (Night farm, cocoons+dreamsheep=Night Essence) and
- Ambrosia (Day farm, Fireflies=Ambrosia)
Night Essence and Ambrosia are used to unlock research in your tech tree. We made a
nice calculator for everyone so you'd know just how many cocoons, dreamsheep, and fireflies you still need to made.
Tomatoes original calculator with lvl 4 production data, resource calculator tab and road calculator tab is
NOTE: The main questline eventually asks you to produce X of each type of guestrace goods, so keep on top of it, or else you will have to produce something that you don't need anymore to continue.