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Fairy Walk Through / Suggestions


Oh Wise One
I found a couple of quest lists, but couldn't find a Thread that had suggestions on the cleanest path through the Fairy Chapter. Any pointers or suggestions?


Portal -flower lane-day farm-night farm ..then you can go back and do the others. Upgrade portal asap. have 3 to 4 farms fully upgraded to get you through smooooooothly.


Mathematician par Excellence
Just like last chapter, you should rush right to night farms, skipping all of the optional tech for now.
  • You need 4 or 5 day farms and 3 or 4 night farms. Unlike Chapter 6 more will not really help you since the portal can't hold much.
  • At first you will want to crank out sunflowers(day farm) and nightshade(night farms) You need these to upgrade your buildings including the portal.
  • Next will be some velvet(day farm) to finish off getting everything to level 4.
  • After that you will need cocoons(Day farm) and dreamsheep/fireflies(night farm) Those let you make
  • Night Essence (Night farm, cocoons+dreamsheep=Night Essence) and
  • Ambrosia (Day farm, Fireflies=Ambrosia)
Night Essence and Ambrosia are used to unlock research in your tech tree. We made a nice calculator for everyone so you'd know just how many cocoons, dreamsheep, and fireflies you still need to made.
Tomatoes original calculator with lvl 4 production data, resource calculator tab and road calculator tab is www.tinyurl.com/derpfairy
NOTE: The main questline eventually asks you to produce X of each type of guestrace goods, so keep on top of it, or else you will have to produce something that you don't need anymore to continue.
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Active Member
I know this is an old thread but the question is relevant so I am putting it here for future players to find.

I am noticing that my Day farms show that diamonds are required in order to make ambrosia. Does this change at some point as I work through the tech tree? Or is the game trying to force players to pay to play?


It means that you don't have the material yet to make ambrosia. To make ambrosia you need fireflies that comes from the night farms. If you don't have enough fireflies the production will ask for diamonds.


Ashrem, If you have a city on Winyandor or Elysandir, can check out my setup. They are both in fairies.


I know this is an old thread but the question is relevant so I am putting it here for future players to find.

I am noticing that my Day farms show that diamonds are required in order to make ambrosia. Does this change at some point as I work through the tech tree? Or is the game trying to force players to pay to play?
Yes. Once you have night farms that produce fireflies you will use those for your ambrosia production.

My calculations said it is best to produce only sunflowers and upgrade all your day farms to L4 first. Then produce just enough velvet to upgrade the portal to L2. Next produce the velvet required to build your night farms. After that upgrade your portal to L4. I chose to have 4 night farms and, being nearly at the end of the chapter, found L2 to be adequate for the night farms. However a quest will require you to upgrade one night farm to L3.

I would suggest putting the points into researching the cocoons and lampions before researching night farms. The fairies quests are horribly out of order and require you to make productions of certain goods. By the time I reached those production quests I had already produced nearly all the fairies goods I needed to finish the chapter. The requirements to produce more wasted a lot a T2 goods that are better used elsewhere.


Can someone point me in the direction of an answer to my question? I just finished the Dwarven Chapter. I've researched the Fairy Portal. Now, I just need to know whether I should sell my Granite Mines, Copper Foundries, and Dwarven Portal? I have some Granite&Copper built up in case I want/need to build a few more road tiles. I'm just trying to understand if I sell all of the Dwarven items and build the Fairies items new. I don't want to sell them and wish I hadn't. Thank you very much to anyone who is able to answer. I want to get started building my Fairy Portal. :)


Buddy Fan Club member
Can someone point me in the direction of an answer to my question? I just finished the Dwarven Chapter. I've researched the Fairy Portal. Now, I just need to know whether I should sell my Granite Mines, Copper Foundries, and Dwarven Portal? I have some Granite&Copper built up in case I want/need to build a few more road tiles. I'm just trying to understand if I sell all of the Dwarven items and build the Fairies items new. I don't want to sell them and wish I hadn't. Thank you very much to anyone who is able to answer. I want to get started building my Fairy Portal. :)
There is a mainline quest to sell the portal, so don't sell it until you reach that quest if you are keeping up with the mainline quests (if you're not, you'll miss out on the quest that gives you 200 diamonds starting in fairies). I don't think the same thing applies to the mines and foundries (I'm cranking out granite to complete the wonders tech before finishing dwarves) but I'd like to see that info confirmed by someone who's more knowledgeable...


As soon as you have enough granite and copper to complete all the techs you are getting and enough for any roads you want to make, you can begin selling off the mines and foundries.


There is a mainline quest to sell the portal, so don't sell it until you reach that quest if you are keeping up with the mainline quests (if you're not, you'll miss out on the quest that gives you 200 diamonds starting in fairies). I don't think the same thing applies to the mines and foundries (I'm cranking out granite to complete the wonders tech before finishing dwarves) but I'd like to see that info confirmed by someone who's more knowledgeable...
I did receive the 200 diamonds.


As soon as you have enough granite and copper to complete all the techs you are getting and enough for any roads you want to make, you can begin selling off the mines and foundries.


Oh Wise One
There is a quest to either sell hte portal, or to have zero portals. What is your current mainline quest? Have you had a quest to complete advanced scouts? Because I think the get-rid-of-portal quest is right after that.

edit: mykans quest list says that dwarves ends with Research Dwarven Ancient wonders, then fairies starts with Research advanced scouts followed by Sell dwarven portal, which can be declined.