I was just going through the quest list from beta. And for the first time in what feels like a very long time, i see at least some positive changes. And some i wasnt expecting, but wondered about. (Note: quest list is currently only up to #89. So more are to come that could alter some comments.)
The change i wasnt expecting was simply the organization of the quests. Do enough events and you soon start to realize the pattern where inno would have the first half of the quests focusing a little more on production. Example: 'produce 4 advanced tools' and 'produce 6 3h t1 manufactury'. And then the second half, they seem to disappear (all or nearly) and focus more on collecting things or fighting things. It was a noticeable shift form the first half to the second half.
I never rly mentioned it before, but i had always wondered about that. I just assumed it was to give newer players and/or lower chapter players an easier time in the beginning so they can get at least some event stuff. Its far easier for a new player to make a couple breads form a workshop then it might be to complete 10 tourney encounters.
I can see this time tho that the quest list is far more diversified. There are productions quests and fighting quests and collection quests and everything pretty much all through out the quest line. - While i have no objections to this at the moment, im wondering how a newer/lower chapter player might feel about that. They might have a different opinion.
There is one maybe new quest or maybe rephrased quests. 'Collect 4x witch points'
Im assuming they mean the witch points in the cauldron. Except there is no way to collect witch points aside from the standard donating resources to it. But we already had a quest 'Donate x amount to the cauldron'. So im not sure if this is supposed to be something different or if they just reworded it. My guess would be rewording it...
But either way the founding problem of that quest still remains. And that it that the donation window is completely INACCESSIBLE until you use your once a week cauldron effect. Considering there is always another even right around the corner, that means that the majority of the time players will be left with a single choice. Either stop progressing in the event completely until its time to use your cauldron effect. Or waste your cauldron effect early so you can progress with the quest line. And that is a foolish choice that does not do this game any good. And the solution is simple. Give access to the donation window at all times. Make it a separate tab in the cauldron if you want. But make it accessible.
Now for 'the big two' for the last several events....
Fighting/negotiating on world map ONLY and Buy kp ONLY
Oh how i have hated these two... Hated in a way that would get my quickly banned if i were to actually express how i feel about them completely and accurately... To the point where it felt that feedback on them were being ignored; the thought of saying to hell with this game crossed my mind.. If not for the fellowship... maybe..
Im glad to finally see that some progress is being made on this front again. Only glad. Not happy. Because, one; its only partial. And two; it was fixed completely before and then inno undid it. So im less inclined to give credit to someone crapping on the floor and then showing up 6 months later to clean it... -_-
But im glad to see some work on this front.. again. The quest lsit is only up to 89 atm. So there are a few more to come. That could alter a few comments potentially. But so far i see that most of the fighting quests are no longer fight/negotiate world map ONLY. Which im glad about. Those are in very short supply for some players a certain points in the game. Most of them have been changed to 'solve x encounters (world map, tourney, spire)'. And that is exactly what it should be! One big combination of all those quests into one. No more fighting or negotiating; Combined to Solve!. No one one location. Combined all three!. This simply change provides so many options for a player, all rolled into one!. I am glad to see that.
In addition to that; there are a few 'solve x encounter on world map by negotiating/fighting' quests still around. But they all seem to have some form of a LEGITIMATE 'OR' option available. - No more of that 'solve world map by fighting' OR 'solve world map by negotiating' While some players are sitting there screaming in there heads how that does not help one bit if they dont have extra world map encounters left! It was incredibly frustrating. - Now they seem to have a legit 'or' option. And several different kinds depending on which quest number it is. Such as.. OR.. recruit units, collect enchantments, collect t1 factory productions, accept trade offers.. All legit 'or' options.
While id rather just see them all as the big combined version, im at least glad they are providing legit 'or' options for when they dont use the combined version. And between the two, i havnt seen any mandatory world map encounter ONLY's yet. So im glad about that... Again.
Moving on to the second of the big two. Buy KP ><
'Buy kp' ONLY quests have been a true plague to events and this game in the last year. And the feedback in every event has shown a lot of ppl that really hate this quest. I also get lots of ppl in my FS that have said they hate this quests (all on there own, not prompted by me). Some even saying that the just stop participating in the events once they start showing up. And its understandable because the last several event were having mandatory buy kp quests totaling somewhere around 100-150 kp? I forget the exact range off the top of my head but it was extreme. And it was .... a bs badge
Now this is one quest that should be removed all together imo. Short of that, a legit 'OR' option.
Im saddened to say the buy kp quests still remain this event. BUT, i can at least say they dropped down the quantity a lot. So thats something.
From #1-#89 i see three mandatory Buy kp ONLY quests. But they are buy 3kp, buy 6, and buy 9. Thats at least a little better then a bunch of those buy 20 kp quests that made me want to punch someone in the throat. -_-
There are a couple buy kp OR quests as well. Which is potentially better then the mandatory ones (depending on what the or option is). But they seem to have OR options of trade with wholesaler, collect spell frags, collect witch points. Those are legit 'OR' options (with the notion of the witch points, as described previously.)
So the buy kp is far from perfect... but its made some progress on. A little bt glad about that.
So over all inno at least did some work to try and fix the mess they made. They mostly fixed the world map issue (at least for this event.) They did half way into fixing the buy kp issue. And they havnt done anything about the cauldron UI yet. So wrapped together its kinda 50/50. But 50/50 is a lot better then the 0 feeling weve had the last several events. I just hope inno continues to work on fixing these issues. There is a big difference between working until you fixed the problems vs doing jsut enough to try and shut us up. So im rly hoping they are going back to the first part.