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Forum / Game - Abbreviations, Slang, Confusing Terms Guide And FAQ


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
This is a guide for common Abbreviations, Slang and other maybe Confusing terminology used throughout the forums and the game itself.

As a new player or new user of these forums, it is easy to get confused or lost in a conversation when abbreviations and slang are being used.

Please remember that conversation context is important as a few of the abbreviations have multiple meanings and context is important in determining which meaning is being used at the time.

KP or KPS = Knowledge Point / Knowledge Points
Res = Resources
M or MH = Main Hall
B or BH = Builder / Builders Hut
C = Culture
NH = Neighborly Help
HH = Helping Hands
HS = Hand Shakes referring to Neighborly Help
Hammers = Sometimes used as a description for Supplies because of the Hammer and tool picture that represents it :supply:
Tools = Sometimes used as a description for Supplies because of the Hammer and tool picture that represents it :supply:
Tourny = Tournament
Spire = Spire Of Eternity
Tech Tree = Where you research your knowledges might also be called Knowledge Tree
Black Market = Is the Wholesaler located in the trader.
Boost = Explained in more detail Here
= Tier 1 --- Explained in more detail Here
= Tier 2 --- Explained in more detail Here
= Tier 3 --- Explained in more detail Here
= Magic Dust
Cross Tier Trade = Trading good from one tier for goods from another tier --- Explained in more detail Here

= Squad Size
Barbs = Barbarians
Palys = Paladins
Sorc = Sorceress
Dogs = Cerberus
Frogs = Faineant Frogs
Merc Camp = Mercenary Camp building
UUU = Unleashed Unit Upgrade
MMM = Magnificent Mage Multiplier
ELR = Enlightened Light Range

FS = Fellowship
AM = Arch Mage, which is the leader of a fellowship
FA or FSA = Fellowship Adventure
Visits = Visiting a neighbor or fellowship member to provide neighborly help

MA = Magic Academy
MM = Magical Manufacturing Spell, Also used for the Martial Monastery Ancient Wonder. Context
= Ensorcelled Endowment Spell, Also used for the Endless Excavation Ancient Wonder... Context
= Inspiring Meditation Spell
PoP = Power Of Provisions Spell or Population or Pyramid Of Purification .. Context
= Spell Fragments
PP = Portal Profits
CC = Combining Catalyst
VV = Vision Vapor
RR = Royal Restoration Spell
BP = Blueprint - A 10th chest prize during tournaments

GR = Guest Race
S&D = Sorcerers And Dragons
O&G = Orcs And Goblins
Lings = Halflings
WW = Weeping Willow or Wishing Well
TM = Traveling Merchant -- An event prize building that produces non boosted goods, might be followed by a 1,2 or 3 to describe which tier of good it produces.. TM3 produces tier 3.. Traveling Merchants can also be crafted via the crafting menu

F2P = Free To Play
P2P = Pay To Play
Diamonds = Elvenar's Premium Currency :diamond:
Whale = Used to describe players who are Big Spenders
DP = Diamond Purchase
Mod = Forum or game moderator
Dev = Game Developer
Inno = Inno Games the creators and developers of Elvenar
OP = Original Poster, Original Post or Over Powered. Again context needed
AFAIK = As far as I know
GoK = Gems Of Knowledge website clickHere to go to it
Beta = Beta server
+1 = Someone is agreeing with you and you have their vote

Rune = Rune Shard --- Explained in more detailHere
BR = Broken Rune but is technically a Broken Shard --- Explained in more detail Here
= The Rune Wheel of an Ancient Wonder --- Explained in more detail Here

AW or Wonder = Ancient Wonder
GA = Golden Abyss
TS or ToS = Tome Of Secrets
EE = Endless Excavation or can mean Enscrolled Endowment Spell.. Context
Needles or NoT
= Needles Of The Tempest
MM = Martial Monastery Or Magical Manufacturing spell ..Context
CL or LH
= Crystal Lighthouse or Lighthouse
BS or GBS = Bell Spire or The Great Bell Spire
Sanct or TS = Sanctuary or The Sanctuary
Throne or THM = Thrones Of The High Men
WTR or WR = Watch Tower Ruins
MtH or MH = Mountain Halls ------ I also call this the Rollercoaster Wonder :p
Bulwark or DB = Dwarven Bulwark
PT = Prosperity Towers
BTG = Blooming Trader Guild
Forge or HF = Heroes Forge
SSS or Shroom = Shrine Of The Shrewdy Shrooms
Enar = Enar's Embassy
FA = Flying Academy Which
MoDM or Maze = Maze of the Dark Matter
DA or Abbey = Dragon Abbey
TotT or TT = Temple Of The Toads
ETC = Elvenar Trade Center
ST = Sunset Towers
VS = Victory Springs
PoP = Pyramid Of Purification or Power of Provisions spell or Population.. Context
= Lighthouse Of Good Neighborhood
= D111-a "Time warp"
= D222-z "Simia Sapiens"

Tech Locked = When you are stuck on the Knowledge tree trying to unlock a knowledge waiting for either resources, gold or supplies, and you can not progress

KP Dump = A place to dump your Knowledge points while you are Tech Locked, so as to not loose knowledge point production once your bar is full.. Ancient Wonders are great KP Dumps

Some times people will use the first letter of a worlds name or its web address abbreviation when talking about it, or use them in their city name as a reminder to themselves which world they are currently playing on.

A World or US1 or EN1 = Arendyll
W World or US2 or EN2 = Winyandor
F World or US3 or EN3 = Felyndral
K World or US4 or EN4 = Khelonaar
E World or US5 or EN5 = Elcysandir
S World or US6 or EN6 = Sinya Arda
C World or US7 or EN7 = Ceravyn
H World or US8 or EN8 = Harandar

FYI: The order that I have the worlds listed is also the order in which each world was Born.
Wow thank you; that is so helpful!


New Member
Hi,I am a newbie, I am trying to pick up on things. I have a question, How do you earn diamonds? I do not want to but they. Can anyone help with an answer? Thank You


Oh Wise One
Hi,I am a newbie, I am trying to pick up on things. I have a question, How do you earn diamonds? I do not want to but they. Can anyone help with an answer? Thank You
There aren't many paths. If you get a wishing well in the event, it has a chance of producing diamonds along with other things. If you play the spire, certain encounters have a chance of giving diamonds, and when you craft recipes in the magic Academy, the mystical object that appears after generating 100 Vision Vapour sometimes gives diamonds.. Other than that, it's pretty much buy them with real money.


Ex-Team Member
First time I have taken the time to actually read these slangs.

Boy oh boy, I feel like I know nothing :eek:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Xelenia, post: 173293, member: 12897"
Boy oh boy, I feel like I know nothing :eek:
WOW I certainly am in good company then...! ;)


Oh Wise One
What is a "push city?" I ran across this term today. I know most of the slang and terminology, but this one stumped me.

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
What is a "push city?" I ran across this term today. I know most of the slang and terminology, but this one stumped me.

A "Push City" is a players 2nd or 3rd city on the same world that uses their knowledge points to help level up their main cities Ancient Wonders..
Some players with a 2nd or 3rd city or even more then that can form them into a fellowship so they can trade all their goods to the main city

This is called Pushing


Active Member
Boneyard - Library set(s). Complete, and including any additional Gum Trees, Mana Plants, Moonstone Gates and Endless Scrolls that are grouped together, or on display.

I don't get to use that one very often, but it almost always is followed by " What's a Boneyard."

Blindsider 66

Deleted User - 849047446

This is a guide for common Abbreviations, Slang and other maybe Confusing terminology used throughout the forums and the game itself.

Common questions players ask are answered HERE in the FAQ section.

As a new player or new user of these forums, it is easy to get confused or lost in a conversation when abbreviations and slang are being used.

Please remember that conversation context is important as a few of the abbreviations have multiple meanings and context is important in determining which meaning is being used at the time.

KP or KPS = Knowledge Point / Knowledge Points
Res = Resources
M or MH = Main Hall
B or BH = Builder / Builders Hut
C = Culture
NH = Neighborly Help
HH = Helping Hands
HS = Hand Shakes referring to Neighborly Help
Hammers = Sometimes used as a description for Supplies because of the Hammer and tool picture that represents it :supply:
Tools = Sometimes used as a description for Supplies because of the Hammer and tool picture that represents it :supply:
Tourny = Tournament
Spire = Spire Of Eternity
Mana = A new game mechanic that is first seen and used during the Wood Elves chapter.
Divine Seeds = Another new game mechanic that is seen and used for the first time during the Halflings chapter.
Tech Tree = Where you research your knowledges might also be called Knowledge Tree
Black Market = Is the Wholesaler located in the trader.
Boost = Explained in more detail Here
= Tier 1 --- Explained in more detail Here
= Tier 2 --- Explained in more detail Here
= Tier 3 --- Explained in more detail Here
Sentient Goods
= From chapter 12 and on you gain new boosts and need to produce these.. Explained in more detail Here
Dust = Magic Dust
Cross Tier Trade = Trading good from one tier for goods from another tier --- Explained in more detail Here

= Squad Size
Barbs = Barbarians
Palys = Paladins
Sorc = Sorceress
Dogs = Cerberus
Frogs = Faineant Frogs
Merc Camp = Mercenary Camp building
SSU = Squad Size Upgrade
UUU = Unleashed Unit Upgrade
MMM = Magnificent Mage Multiplier
ELR = Enlightened Light Range

FS = Fellowship
AM = Arch Mage, which is the leader of a fellowship
FA or FSA = Fellowship Adventure
Visits = Visiting a neighbor or fellowship member to provide neighborly help

MA = Magic Academy
MM = Magical Manufacturing Spell, Also used for the Martial Monastery Ancient Wonder. Context
= Ensorcelled Endowment Spell, Also used for the Endless Excavation Ancient Wonder... Context
= Inspiring Meditation Spell
PoP = Power Of Provisions Spell or Population or Pyramid Of Purification .. Context
= Spell Fragments
PP = Portal Profits
CC = Combining Catalyst
VV = Vision Vapor
RR = Royal Restoration Spell
BP = Blueprint - A 10th chest prize during tournaments

GR = Guest Race
S&D = Sorcerers And Dragons
O&G = Orcs And Goblins
Lings = Halflings
WW = Weeping Willow or Wishing Well
TM = Traveling Merchant -- An event prize building that produces non boosted goods, might be followed by a 1,2 or 3 to describe which tier of good it produces.. TM3 produces tier 3.. Traveling Merchants can also be crafted via the crafting menu

F2P = Free To Play
P2P = Pay To Play
Diamonds = Elvenar's Premium Currency :diamond:
Whale = Used to describe players who are Big Spenders
DP = Diamond Purchase
CM = Community Manager
Mod = Forum or game moderator
Dev = Game Developer
Inno = Inno Games the creators and developers of Elvenar
OP = Original Poster, Original Post or Over Powered. Again context needed
AFAIK = As far as I know
GoK = Gems Of Knowledge website click Here to go to it
Beta = Beta server
+1 = Someone is agreeing with you and you have their vote

Rune = Rune Shard --- Explained in more detailHere
BR = Broken Rune but is technically a Broken Shard --- Explained in more detail Here
= The Rune Wheel of an Ancient Wonder --- Explained in more detail Here

AW or Wonder = Ancient Wonder
AWKP = Ancient Wonder Knowledge Points
GA = Golden Abyss
TS or ToS = Tome Of Secrets
EE = Endless Excavation or can mean Enscrolled Endowment Spell.. Context
Needles or NoT
= Needles Of The Tempest
MM = Martial Monastery Or Magical Manufacturing spell ..Context
CL or LH
= Crystal Lighthouse or Lighthouse
BS or GBS = Bell Spire or The Great Bell Spire
Sanct or TS = Sanctuary or The Sanctuary
Throne or THM = Thrones Of The High Men
WTR or WR = Watch Tower Ruins
MtH or MH = Mountain Halls ------ I also call this the Rollercoaster Wonder :p
Bulwark or DB = Dwarven Bulwark
PT = Prosperity Towers
BTG = Blooming Trader Guild
Forge or HF = Heroes Forge
SSS or Shroom = Shrine Of The Shrewdy Shrooms
Enar = Enar's Embassy
FA = Flying Academy Which
MoDM or Maze = Maze of the Dark Matter
DA or Abbey = Dragon Abbey
TotT or TT = Temple Of The Toads
ETC = Elvenar Trade Center
ST = Sunset Towers
VS = Victory Springs
PoP = Pyramid Of Purification or Power of Provisions spell or Population.. Context
= Lighthouse Of Good Neighborhood
= D111-a "Time warp"
= D222-z "Simia Sapiens"

Tech Locked = When you are stuck on the Knowledge tree trying to unlock a knowledge waiting for either resources, gold or supplies, and you can not progress

KP Dump = A place to dump your Knowledge points while you are Tech Locked, so as to not loose knowledge point production once your bar is full.. Ancient Wonders are great KP Dumps

Some times people will use the first letter of a worlds name or its web address abbreviation when talking about it, or use them in their city name as a reminder to themselves which world they are currently playing on.

A World or US1 or EN1 = Arendyll
W World or US2 or EN2 = Winyandor
F World or US3 or EN3 = Felyndral
K World or US4 or EN4 = Khelonaar
E World or US5 or EN5 = Elcysandir
S World or US6 or EN6 = Sinya Arda
C World or US7 or EN7 = Ceravyn
H World or US8 or EN8 = Harandar

FYI: The order that I have the worlds listed is also the order in which each world was Born.


I keep seeing RNG as an abbreviation, but can't find your translation here. I'm assuming it isn't 'Really Nice Graphics'.


I have seen the slang word "nerf" used in the forums, I have not been able to figure out its meaning from context clues. Could you help?