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    Your Elvenar Team

Free Diamonds?


Well-Known Member
Several days ago we received a notice asking us to give feedback to INNO re Elvenar. If we responded we would get a (I assume) small portion of some free diamonds from INNO. I linked to the form, gave them several compliments re what I like and offered some suggestions and criticism about several things that bothered me. As of today I have seen no Diamonds (however few) posted to my total available and was wondering if anyone had received them. I saw a comment somewhere from a player thanking INNO for the diamonds. Did I perhaps do something wrong? Any update? Thanks.


Last I heard, the top 5 payouts had been done, but Inno was still calculating the average payout to all the responders!


Well-Known Member
Thank you. That was one of the options I forgot to write. Are they still working on it and reading all of the responses and they'll get to it as soon they are through the, I expect, large number of responses they got. Also, on to another question. This was my first post. I got a little message at the bottom of my screen saying "first post. I have been awarded a trophy." Something real or just an acknowledgment of posting? Yay for me.


I'm actually working on manually awarding diamonds to all players who entered... as there was over 1000, its not a quick process. I do expect to finish all remaining ones this weekend. I post updates on that specific thread.

As for the 'trophy', players are recognized with different titles on the forum depending upon how often they post :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I have not really been active on the forum yet. Read a lot of threads and am learning I know "NOTHING" about this game yet. Slowly learning. Could you advise where the thread you refer to can be found? I will then be able to leave this one alone. Thank you. I didn't mean to push you. Had no idea it would only be one person. Take your time. I completely understand it is a time consuming process to do what you are doing.