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Frozen Keys


Well-Known Member
Aren't we supposed to be seeing Frozen Keys lying around in our fields? (or am I having another senior moment)
12/5 Update - Got the info from Invoker, and read the discussion per Xelenia. I re-booted to find the first ones. Nothing further showed up, so I tried refreshing the screen, and they appreared. There is no tone or sound when they appear, but I do get a tone when I collect them. I am barely computer literate, but maybe there is a download issue?
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Frozen Keys pop’s up sometimes around the city. You will however get a screen notification when there’s one available :)


Well-Known Member
Frozen Keys pop’s up sometimes around the city. You will however get a screen notification when there’s one available :)
Thanks - I thought that's how it was supposed to work, but had nothing. Checked out the info per Xelenia, and found that at least I wasn't the only one. Decided to re-boot, and voila! my keys appeared. Thanks to all...............