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    Your Elvenar Team

greenery street


Well-Known Member
I never saw coins or supplies increase when the mana decay hit while was online in S & D,
Nor did I see a change when seeds came into play with halflings.
I now *do* see goods increasing as my tier 1 sentients decay since I am in elementals.

To address OP ...
Placing a few street squares a day is a relatively painless approach as there are times when accumulating KP or other goods are necessary for unlocking the next research step.

And if you have a dragon abbey -- even if you are short mana for an upgrade (assuming you have a stock of spells) mana shortages are a thing of the past.


Buddy Fan Club member
Well, it is not an absolute zero benefit, since mana decays into coins and seeds decay into supplies, but that is still a very, very tiny return on all that lost mana and seeds.
@Fairy Dust
Can you get a confirmation on mana/seed decay for us? I'm stunned that it decays into coins/supplies. Of course I'm fond of my sleep, so I'm never going to be awake when it happens, no way to test it for myself, lol!

Deleted User - 3932582

The best way to confirm it is coming from the mana and seed decay is to be in the game in a city that produces one or both, and is not yet making sentient goods, when decay time hits. I know I see gains in coins and supplies when decay happens, but it could be coming from the sentient decay and not the mana and seeds. My girlfriend's city is in S&D right now, so I will make sure it is open when decay happens tonight to verify and to see how much the gain is. And if she does not get anything, then the coins and supplies are connected to the sentient decay somehow.

@Tedious I think it may be one to one, the same as with sentient goods? But it could be 10 mana to 1 coin. I have not focused on the amount, just that I get it.
What wouldn't I do for science ;) OK, so it's 4am here, and I did observe mana and seeds decay at exactly 10% - as expected. But there were no changes in coins and supplies whatsoever! So it seems that both mana and seeds decay into absolutely nothing, just as I thought.

For the reference, this experiment was run in Halflings, so no sentient goods were involved.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Alright, that was disappointing. I made sure I was in the game at 4AM, decay time here in the eastern US, and the pluses and minuses flashed on the screen so quickly that I did not even see all the numbers. But my coins and supplies stayed the same tonight, even though I am sure I saw them in previous weeks. The numbers had also previously shown on the screen more slowly, so that first the minuses and then the pluses appeared and could all be seen. I wonder if it was just a bug that I had been seeing and had been fixed since the last time I saw the decay numbers, where it showed a plus for coins and supplies but my actual total was not changing. Similar to those collection bugs that some event buildings had been having.


@Fairy Dust
Can you get a confirmation on mana/seed decay for us? I'm stunned that it decays into coins/supplies. Of course I'm fond of my sleep, so I'm never going to be awake when it happens, no way to test it for myself, lol!

Just to confirm, Mana and Seeds decay into nothing :(
It is only Sentient Goods that decay or transform into the original resource they are based on ;)