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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Hi Elves and Humans!


I am so excited to be playing a game from the beginning! I hope I get to meet lots of folks around here. I have been playing beta and I am hooked on this game! Can't wait to see the tweaks for this server.

I am in the U.S. Unlike our worldwide friends, I only speak English, so I would be hopeless on their servers. I am so glad so many people are more fluent than I.

Anyone in my neighborhood? Feel free to tell me what kind of neighborly help you would like and I will try to provide it!


Hi Bobbykitty and welcome to the game :)

I have checked up:rolleyes:, down:oops: and all around:confused::eek: but I cannot find you anywhere near me.
I am beginning to wish the map had longitude and latitude markers so that we could see how close and which direction our new forum friends are...that way we could work our way to 'discovering' them.
There appear to be hundreds of people signed up to play but very few chatting on the forum :( early days I know but it would help to know which direction to advance my map search ...I realise collecting relics is important but so are alliances and friendships

I hope you continue to enjoy the game


We have all been clamoring about a world map locator on beta for a while now. Kyle, I am glad you proposed it here. It would be such a huge help!! I would love to be able to work my way towards folks. But they have to make fighting a bit easier first! Oh please oh please I hope they make fighting a bit easier. As soon as you get a little further from your own city, say in a few weeks, you will see what I mean. There is just no winning. Plus, it takes two days or so to fill up your army that can be wiped out in ten minutes. At least that was what it was like on beta. Maybe it will be different here! I have a lot of hope!

I know they are constantly updating the game to make it better. And support is amazing! Loving this game!!

Occlo...you aren't too far from me! I am up and to the right of you a little ways.

Safire, I couldn't find you either. :(

n1sk, thanks for being a mod! Tough job!

Major Payne, thanks for the welcome!


Bobbykitty, Thanks
it would help if we even knew which direction to look.
as it is, if you are looking for a friend you have to search High and Low, Left and Right
just to find his City, and you don't even know how far to look.


Lol I found both of you on mine, but then again I started at the top and proceeded to compulsively scroll through them all to get a good idea a 'hood looks like. :p


Welcome, Bobby! US person here too!! Whoo!

Good luck and I'll keep an eye out for you!