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How do you know what "ring" you're fighting in?


I keep seeing people posting that they are in the 5th ring or the 10th ring, etc. How do we know what ring we're in? Is there an easy way to tell that I am missing or do you all just count out from your home city??? I Imagine that can be a pain once you're further along in the game.


Start at your city and go on one of the provinces diagonally and start counting out until you get to where you haven't explored that will be the ring you are on and then just go around and the costs will be the same to scout for those in that ring. You can see an image here ring lines or numbers


For scouted provinces, click on an encounter and the ranking points you win from that encounter is the ring it is on.

This is on ring 5


Woohooo I am getting it, I just checked out and found I am figthing at 5th ring, Thanks guys