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How to win very hard encounters when you lack troops, etc. to win.

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 4230779
  • Start date

Deleted User - 4230779

Need easy instructions on how to win the "very hard" encounters" when you do not have enough resources/troops to fight or negotiate. Any advice? thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't quite understand the question. You want a way around the game mechanics? Fighting and negotiating are the only options. If you don't have enough troops or goods to do either, then you have to build them up until you do - there isn't a way around it.

What chapter are you in? How many ranking points is the next encounter worth?

Deleted User - 4230779

I'll bet commanders of military installations in real life all over the world would love to know the answer to that. :) BTW, welcome to the forum.
lol, thanks!! I thought there might be another way. Appreciate your time. I'm stuck right now in the game, don't know how long until I can recoup from a mistake I made--I have 11 supplies left and can't do anything!! Not even return help that was given me. Once again thanks!!!

Deleted User - 4230779

If you are facing "Very Hard" provinces you are probably over-scouted. This is the game's method of slowing you down until your technology and city capabilities catch up. In short, you aren't intended to clear those provinces; they are for later chapters.
Thank you so much for the information. I'll just bide my time, sure do appreciate it.

Deleted User - 4230779

I don't quite understand the question. You want a way around the game mechanics? Fighting and negotiating are the only options. If you don't have enough troops or goods to do either, then you have to build them up until you do - there isn't a way around it.

What chapter are you in? How many ranking points is the next encounter worth?
I don't quite understand the question. You want a way around the game mechanics? Fighting and negotiating are the only options. If you don't have enough troops or goods to do either, then you have to build them up until you do - there isn't a way around it.

What chapter are you in? How many ranking points is the next encounter worth?
I don't think I'm very syre of things, being new to the game...Think I am midway in the 2nd chapter??? in technology. I don't know how much the next encounters are worth. Was hoping there was another way. I'll have to wait a while. Thank for your time in answering. Appreciate it.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
lol, thanks!! I thought there might be another way. Appreciate your time. I'm stuck right now in the game, don't know how long until I can recoup from a mistake I made--I have 11 supplies left and can't do anything!! Not even return help that was given me. Once again thanks!!!
No worries; you sound like you'll do fine once you get a little further along. I know when I started, I overscouted big time, and I paid the price for it. But you won't be stuck for long. The more you expand (once you can) the more you will find people who return the help. I'd say I get about 1 in 10 cities to help me, if I help them. Many are abandoned and the players no longer play, but the good ones that I find turn out to be gold. They keep me in gold and supplies. Best of luck to you!


I'll bet commanders of military installations in real life all over the world would love to know the answer to that. :) BTW, welcome to the forum.
What a awesome reply! i get it. im pretty far into the game and struggle with this too. cant seem to know what to focus in on. do i focus more on upgrading barracks, armory etc....they all share a que....its confusing :)


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
What a awesome reply! i get it. im pretty far into the game and struggle with this too. cant seem to know what to focus in on. do i focus more on upgrading barracks, armory etc....they all share a que....its confusing :)
I feel the same way, Willowy. I'm fairly new, only at the end of Chapter 5, and I upgraded the barracks and 4 armories as far as I could for my chapter (up to level 15 on each) but it's certainly not enough. I don't know if I'll ever have enough, but I keep trying. I noticed the training grounds will produce troops faster at the same level, so whenever there is a quest to "produce so many troops" I always produce Cerberus in the training ground for the fastest completion of the quest (rather than archers or sword dancers in the barracks, for example.) That's about the only thing I've figured out. The rest is trial and error, I guess.


Oh Wise One
Think I am midway in the 2nd chapter??? in technology. I don't know how much the next encounters are worth. Was hoping there was another way. I'll have to wait a while. Thank for your time in answering. Appreciate it.

Your chapter explains a lot and sadly is one of the most difficult times in the game to do combat on the world map. So your best option in the short term is to negotiate, the issues you mention there would require some inspection of your town design.

In terms of combat don't despair, it starts to become achievable around chapter 5 ish, this depends on whether you have skipped the optional squad size techs. Skipping the techs has multiples side but the short version is skipping them helps tournaments and not skipping them helps the world map and wonder troop production. If you have kept your scouting close to the chapter province count for those early chapters then you get more options in terms of world map later.

In respect to town design the short version
  • Focus on boosted goods only
  • Aim for 20 squares of factory space and build this up to 40 squares as your town develops (chapter 3-4 ish is possible)
As yu learn and grow you will find a formula that works for you and suits your play style.


I feel the same way, Willowy. I'm fairly new, only at the end of Chapter 5, and I upgraded the barracks and 4 armories as far as I could for my chapter (up to level 15 on each) but it's certainly not enough. I don't know if I'll ever have enough, but I keep trying. I noticed the training grounds will produce troops faster at the same level, so whenever there is a quest to "produce so many troops" I always produce Cerberus in the training ground for the fastest completion of the quest (rather than archers or sword dancers in the barracks, for example.) That's about the only thing I've figured out. The rest is trial and error, I guess.
Oh yeah, it is trial and error for sure. I have gotten myself backed into a corner and stuck many times.lol...sometimes for days, weeks and yes even months!! I learned the hard way that the quests are very important to continue working. They actually will guide you on what to do and when to do them. ie: when it's ok to sell off important buildings and things like that.
Keep working your quests. You'll be glad you did :)

Deleted User - 4230779

No worries; you sound like you'll do fine once you get a little further along. I know when I started, I overscouted big time, and I paid the price for it. But you won't be stuck for long. The more you expand (once you can) the more you will find people who return the help. I'd say I get about 1 in 10 cities to help me, if I help them. Many are abandoned and the players no longer play, but the good ones that I find turn out to be gold. They keep me in gold and supplies. Best of luck to you!
???? you help:: how?? just rereading things. How do you know a place is abandoned? Sure would love input on that. thanks!!

Deleted User - 4230779

Is there a better way to get population than having to build residneces all the time?


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
???? you help:: how?? just rereading things. How do you know a place is abandoned? Sure would love input on that. thanks!!
I don't always check Elvenstats to see if cities are abandoned. Sometimes I do. More than that, however, I rely on the feeling I get. If I give daily neighborly help to a nearby city that is advanced enough to likely have scouted my area, and I get no visits back within 2 weeks, then I think they are abandoned. Likewise, if I visit and always see the same building unfinished with upgrades yet, then I also assume it is abandoned. It's not very precise, I know, but it's just a general gauge. I can always go on Elvenstats to verify.

Deleted User - 4230779

I don't always check Elvenstats to see if cities are abandoned. Sometimes I do. More than that, however, I rely on the feeling I get. If I give daily neighborly help to a nearby city that is advanced enough to likely have scouted my area, and I get no visits back within 2 weeks, then I think they are abandoned. Likewise, if I visit and always see the same building unfinished with upgrades yet, then I also assume it is abandoned. It's not very precise, I know, but it's just a general gauge. I can always go on Elvenstats to verify.
where do you find Elvenstats?
I don't always check Elvenstats to see if cities are abandoned. Sometimes I do. More than that, however, I rely on the feeling I get. If I give daily neighborly help to a nearby city that is advanced enough to likely have scouted my area, and I get no visits back within 2 weeks, then I think they are abandoned. Likewise, if I visit and always see the same building unfinished with upgrades yet, then I also assume it is abandoned. It's not very precise, I know, but it's just a general gauge. I can always go on Elvenstats to verify.
I don't always check Elvenstats to see if cities are abandoned. Sometimes I do. More than that, however, I rely on the feeling I get. If I give daily neighborly help to a nearby city that is advanced enough to likely have scouted my area, and I get no visits back within 2 weeks, then I think they are abandoned. Likewise, if I visit and always see the same building unfinished with upgrades yet, then I also assume it is abandoned. It's not very precise, I know, but it's just a general gauge. I can always go on Elvenstats to verify.