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Your Elvenar Team
I just needed a piece of info. Took me literally less than 30 seconds to find the answer here on the forum! And no to the Wiki, the answer is not there.
Exactly. Send your fellows 1 link to answers and done. Don’t need to type out paragraphs in the in-game chat or message window with very limited functionalities to explain things.
I also get msgs from people outside FS asking questions. Can't send them direct links without getting flagged and sometimes they're just not tech savvy enough to figure out how to fix the edited URL. But I can tell them, go to the forum, check out this thread or that thread under General Discussions and off they go.
I agree 100 percent. I'm so mad at Inno I could spit nails, and I don't care if they backtrack and say, "Okay, we'll keep it." They never should have tried to kill the forum in the first place. That's what I'm mad about.