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    Your Elvenar Team

I just can't...


Well-Known Member
Another is to have a tutorial emphasizing long term strategies over short term procedures.
and for 4 yrs it has been pointed out that by following the
pre-arranged personal tasks, it gets new cities in trouble.
Things like overscouting, upgrading MH when not necessary
yet costing pop/culture, encouranging land placement, or
any other way that seems to get newbs in trouble, forcing
them to buy/use diamonds to fix the situation. Basically
just another driver of frustration, where $$$ is the easy fix.
A tutorial, really, .... Inno already goes outta thier way to
emphasize those short term goals/procedures.

Thats 1 of the beauties starting a 2nd city, you can ignore
all those dumb recomendations, and by not making 2-3
mistakes, add'd playstyles open up. ( +faster progression )

I have never understood why Inno delayed access to fellowships when they revised the tech tree.
Seems access to FSs, tourn, & spire, all delayed. Basically
they've cut off the workaround, where a player joins a FS,
gets a loan, then buster moves into CH3 instantly, and with
everything open can pause, payback the loan, while still
playing Tourn/Spire and helping the FS .. get a small bankroll
of goods, then start bee-bop'n thru thier researching. All
the while, no real necessity to have/buy/use diamonds.

By separating the player from a FS longer, thats longer the
newb has to get in trouble... all on thier own.... lolol


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I think the biggest problem is that because the new tech tree is set up with delayed tournament access, and therefore continued low relic boosts for a number of chapters, there is very little actual advantage to boosted productions for those early cities; so if the numbers all look practically the same to them, why wouldn’t they build all the types and make the city more interesting and self-reliant? And if they get dropped on the edge of the map/in a bad neighbourhood where trades aren’t being picked up, they actually need all the manufactory types for a while to be able to play (saw this happen with an experienced player who started a new city to test out the new tech tree). :-/

I can totally understand how a newbie ends up with all the manufactories, and I think it may even be an unfortunate necessity for a while for some players under the new tech tree. And since the tutorial quests don’t tell them all this in great detail, I can understand skepticism at other players telling them later on when they join a fellowship that it needs to be a short-term solution and they will want to reduce to only their boosted as the relic boost eventually grows.
Totally agree! That falls under what I said though--failure of the tutorial and FS leadership!

I have never understood why Inno delayed access to fellowships when they revised the tech tree. It is one of the most important parts of the game. Without a fellowship: you are not engaging with other players as much, which is TERRIBLE for player retention. Without a fellowship, you can't take part in the tournament, which is one of the more important and interesting aspects of the game. Once again, TERRIBLE for retention of new players. It almost seems like the team that revised the tech tree don't comprehend what makes the game interesting.
Fellowship is the only reason I kept playing. The game is super open-ended and players can pretty much do whatever they want. That has its pros and cons. Generally, that would be too unfocused and not challenging enough to engage my interest. But those late night hilarious conversations in the chat though...no devs can replicate that level of tomfoolery and fun!


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Oh my, good thing I didn't have a beverage in my mouth, @satchmo33. You are a treasure.

I like to give advice to those who ask for it, and just leave the rest. :)


Chef - Loquacious One
@satchmo33 Having been in another city building game that, after seven or eight years, folded without a lot of warning, I can tell you how frustrating it is to have invested that much time in something (I was #1 on the server when it folded), and see it all go "poof!" So, in my opinion, @Smooper is right to pay attention. "Server health" is very important as happy player play more and stay longer. The Consortium is based on that idea. If you're not paying attention to server health then you can count on the whole thing closing, usually sooner than you'd like.



Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
@satchmo33 Having been in another city building game that, after seven or eight years, folded without a lot of warning, I can tell you how frustrating it is to have invested that much time in something (I was #1 on the server when it folded), and see it all go "poof!" So, in my opinion, @Smooper is right to pay attention. "Server health" is very important as happy player play more and stay longer. The Consortium is based on that idea. If you're not paying attention to server health then you can count on the whole thing closing, usually sooner than you'd like.

That's what I'm afraid of happening here. :(


Personal Conductor
Inno knows where their money is coming from. Most of it might be coming from casual players who log in once or twice a week to kill time.

No stress, no pressure, just a fun little city building game that does not get attacked when you're at real Life.

Oh look a Unicorn! I want that!
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