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    Your Elvenar Team

Join us in our Fellowship Adventures!

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Or, at the very least, put all the supply quests on one guy and all the goods quests on the other so you don't need to cycle through so many to get back to where you were. For my money, a drop down list straight forward selection would be a better option.


Elvenar - Customer Support New2017-09-09 14:13:44
Hello Laochra,

Thank you for contacting the Elvenar Support Team.

We're happy to help you with your question.

Yes, the counter will switch to hours once it is less than one day. The event will end around 6pm Eastern time on Sunday, when the counter reaches 0.

We hope this helps to clear up any questions that you might have. Do please get in touch again should you encounter any others!

Kind regards,

In-Game Support


I'm sure everybody else is here about the same complaint:

Oh gawd, what a chore it is to cycle through these quests! This is like some shitty beta test or a joke, right? This should never have made it to live servers as is. I haven't ever seen such a half baked idea go live in a game.

Also, what is the point of doing this OTHER than getting those end rewards? Like, my fellowship is still working on stage 3, but it's hopeless for us to finish in time. We're pretty casual, and have a few older people who took awhile to figure out how to help. But I can't see a reason to bother now that we're done with Stage 2 and Stage 3 is impossible. They could at least give everyone a KP at the end for every dot finished, or something. Also, is the end for the top fellowships just a race to see who spends the most diamonds?

I have to say, unless I join a fellowship that does FS adventures on beastmode, I will be ignoring it from here on out. Not worth my time. 0/10 fun.

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
You take a group of senior citizens who don't know how to copy/paste (especially with the lame way we have to do it in the game), even with instructions, and then they don't know how to enter their own information on a spreadsheet, it's nothing more than pure frustration on my part.
Some of our senior citizens are very computer savvy. You have to be in order to hold an office job in this high-tech world of ours. The fellows I have problems getting to understand instructions are the students - Elementary and High School. Most of them just want to fight and protect Elvenar from wild and dangerous creatures roaming our lands. They abhor gathering goods to complete a quest.


Well, the countdown just turned over to 23 hours! Another #@^& day of this?

We have three comments. As to the clock, it should have changed to hours a couple of days before the end. And, the way the badge offers are presented/selected has to be improved, A LOT! Finally, the Stage rewards could also stand significant improvement!

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Well-Known Member
Yes to reducing repetitive stress problems!

OK... here's a suggestion for it the devs totally do not want to go to a drop down menu for the quests which would make things easier for everyone and a lot less painful for those of us with arthritis and repetitive stress problems. If we can't have a drop down menu, how about doing something logical and making the top quest icon be for the items produced in the workshops only and the second icon be for the items produced in the T1 factories only? At least that way it would limit the number of quests we'd have to cycle through to get to a specific one. (and not have to deal with the flakiness of the one we're currently cycling through jumping from the top to the second position and back again... What The Heck??? Who came up with that bit of insanity? :confused: )


Active Member
My Fellowship has really enjoyed this game. I have been coming up with Clan Fellowship games from time to time and this was so much fun especially because I was able to play and better rewards than what I have been able to give (production trades). =)
It has really helped our Fellowship to become an even tighter group. Looking forward to the next Fellowship Game.


I enjoyed the adventure but I also found the cycling through all the quests to find the one I wanted annoying when I had made more than one badge of the same type. The other snag I noticed was a timezone one of being stuck waiting for someone to wake up for their next day to place badges so other people could go to sleep. It might be fine when every member is in the same timezone but quite difficult when not. Perhaps the badges could be put in a pool so that members are not held up by other people needing to sleep or work.


Hello, I am still trying to open up level 5 since I chose to slow down on my playing..Since I am not at Fairy yet, if I keep the grand prize from fellow adventures in my inventory and wait to build it, does that mean I will be able to get mana when I build it in fairy?

Nope. The output on an event building depends on when you won it, not when you place it. And nothing produces mana until woodelves, I believe. :)


Overall I like the general idea of FA. My thoughts for improvement would be
- Keep FA on a 6-8 week rotation. Monthly rotation at maximum... it just takes too much energy to keep up with a weekly pace.
- Shorten the event by 2 days. My FS spent the bulk of the time in the bottomless pit, and I'm feeling a bit burned out at this point.
- Quest rotation is clunky and requires too much clicking. I botched quite a lot of badge collections by declining the wrong quest because sometimes the newest quest appeared at the top of the list and sometimes was second on the list. Taking 24 clicks or so to cycle through this list, bouncing from top to middle of the quest list got annoying.


The fellows I have problems getting to understand instructions are the students - Elementary and High School. Most of them just want to fight and protect Elvenar from wild and dangerous creatures roaming our lands. They abhor gathering goods to complete a quest.

lol ok - that's new for me. I don't have any members that are in those age ranges. Most of us are older, not all seniors but several are. I can imagine the young generations want quick accomplishments though, without the patience to see quests through.


I have learned I do not want to be part of a Fellowship any longer.

How bout one that does not require your participation? I personally would like to opt out of these events too, and I'm AM. If they don't drastically change things, I will either not do the event or quit the game altogether. I'm waiting to see if anything is changed (but I'm surely not holding my breath).


Active Member
so we just did adventures and here are couple of pointers that I would like to see in next one:
1.I would like to see the numbers of fs members who have put the badges in somewhere in a field ( like we have in tournaments)maybe extra tab, next to the torunaments, that would not be too bad.
2.While the map was interesting and exciting and everybody in FS had fun doing it, bottomless pit is plain boring and it has taken a lot of fun out of the adventures. Maybe you should find a way to spice it up a bit?Thx


I would like to see one face per quest. Once we learn them, it would make it easier to know which quest is showing and maybe lead to fewer mistakes.

I think my fellowship enjoyed the Adventure but we will have to talk it over to see if the prizes were really worth all the time and effort. Personally I missed visits on the world map and stopped upgrading buildings because I was so focused on making supplies. I also spent way too much time on the computer this week. ;)


Any changes from Beta? Especially the quest cycling could use improvement.
As is,
  1. You decline however many until you get to the groceries quest,
  2. set 15 workshops to groceries overnight,
  3. collect 5 in the morning, completing the quest
  4. decline 9 quests in a row to get back to the groceries (farmers badge)
  5. hand in 5 completing the quest again.
  6. decline 9 quests in a row to get back to the groceries (farmers badge)
  7. hand in 5 completing the quest again.

This gets very tedious if you are between chapters and build 20-25 workshops to help out.
If not a new system, then at least having the quest default to the same one you just completed would help remove steps 4 and 6 above.
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