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Knowledge Points disappeared!!!


It happened again! I had 6-8 KP collected, with the grid expanded to 20 via a spell. I Activated a box (Dryad) and just a bit later when I looked the KP were gone. Now understand, the bar for Dryad was previously filled, but I didn't have enough marble to activate it, so I went to the Trader to get more marble and when I returned and activated the Dryad box, THEN my points were gone (down to zero)! Now don't tell me this isn't a bug, because IT IS! Something in what exactly I did triggered a reset in KP. Look for that.


And it happened AGAIN!! 6 MORE KP gone!! I'm getting disgusted!!


And now 30 MORE KP gone -- and no, the time didn't run out on them; there's still 33.5 hrs left.


Hi roadrunner,

Unfortunately, we have not been able to reproduce this issue. The only thing I can think of with the information you've provided is lag from removing when you spent last.

You will need to update your original post with the format specified above, please.


Actually, I discovered the *problem* -- it turns out that I've been trolling the neighbors' Ancient Wonders and periodically, there would be points available to enter instead of buying them. Wonder of Wonders! :) THAT's where my 20 and 30 points went!! As well as a few others. Problem solved, and you'd better be prepared to answer this question for others later. Close the ticket.


Active Member
So your points were auto added to others AW??? or you did it and didnt realize it?

kinda confused by that part of your ticket