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Knowledge points


How does one buy a knowledge point, and how does one spend a knowledge point. Can't seem to find the answer. :)

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
At the top center of your game screen you will see a + symbol on the right side of your knowledge bar, once you click it it will open the purchase knowledge point screen.. you can use either diamonds, gold, supplies or resources to purchase knowledge points.. careful though each time you purchase the cost goes up..
To spend a knowledge point you must open the knowledge tree and spend your knowledge points on researching technologies


At the top center of your game screen you will see a + symbol on the right side of your knowledge bar, once you click it it will open the purchase knowledge point screen.. you can use either diamonds, gold, supplies or resources to purchase knowledge points.. careful though each time you purchase the cost goes up..
To spend a knowledge point you must open the knowledge tree and spend your knowledge points on researching technologies
Thank you!