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    Your Elvenar Team

Lord Pumpkin awaits you!


Yeah. Sigh. And I don't know how many KPs Advanced Scouts will take. I wish the tech tree would display that. The only way I might be able to enter the next chapter is if I blow my goods on buying KP which I don't like. I'm still weighing if it's worth it. Even fighting or negotiating all my open encounters isn't going to cut it.


Mathematician par Excellence
I'm still weighing if it's worth it.
Not counting premium buildings the Halloween event buildings are the most efficient per square buildings you can get for 3 chapters.
This means if you push it to chapter 6 before finishing the event they will be your best buildings all through dwarf, fairies, and orcs--until you unlock "autumn's greetings" and "mana fountain" in Woodelves.

If you have to blow a few days production buying the KP I'd say go for it.


The advance scout tech of chapter VI requires 94 KP to complete.

Thank you sooo much, Areane. Now for me to do some number-crunching.

Not counting premium buildings the Halloween event buildings are the most efficient per square buildings you can get for 3 chapters.
This means if you push it to chapter 6 before finishing the event they will be your best buildings all through dwarf, fairies, and orcs-

The 900+ extra that I get is certainly tempting. But I'll be blowing way more than a week's production. But yes, those are such great bonuses -- especially the extra population -- that I'm calculating like mad to see how I can do it.