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Modern Residences in Elementals


New Member
Somewhere I read that I can get rid of some residences in Elementals. Now I can't find where I read that. I miss Elven Gems! Does anyone know anything about how many residences you should have in elementls? TIA


Personal Conductor
No one can answer this for you. How many houses you need depends on how many manufactories, WS, and armories you have. It also matters exactly which wonders you have and what levels they are, your tournament and spire participation level, and your other buildings(culture/pop, evolve, pet, etc.).


Well-Known Member
You have probably read this on Elvengems :). I remember reading the same, but it might have been about another chapter. Every time the residences grow in size, they house significantly more pop, quite often so much more that you need less of them. However, it's next to impossible to say how many you can sell or store. Play a bit with it in the city planner.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
A good rule of thumb, is to teleport a couple of them if they are changing size. There were no teleport spells when ElvenGems' guides were written, by the way.


Buddy Fan Club member
The rule of thumb for me is that I place event builds and the like that give pop, cult, or give me something that I need like supplies and coins. If I start running out of gold/supplies in order to support my city... then I place something else. I play the spire in the vain hope that I will win a magic workshop or a magic residence...both of which are lovely to have.


New Member
You have probably read this on Elvengems :). I remember reading the same, but it might have been about another chapter. Every time the residences grow in size, they house significantly more pop, quite often so much more that you need less of them. However, it's next to impossible to say how many you can sell or store. Play a bit with it in the city planner.
Thanks for your advice!

Ariel Greensleeves

Active Member
Best way to figure this out: Elvenstats/Elvenarchitect
I upload my current city, then upgrade all the buildings (WS, fxy, MH, etc) in it to the level they will be when I have completed all research for the chapter (use wiki to figure this out). Add expansions freely and don't worry about layout. Then open up the reports page to see what sort of deficit you will have in your population. (Make sure under settings you are not counting buildings that are off the map.) There will always be a deficit, unless you currently have a huge pop surplus. Then (still in architect) upgrade residences one by one until you meet the ultimate chapter requirements. Upgrade magic WS and R if you have enough blueprints in stock. At this chapter level, it gets tricky, bc you have many other buildings to provide population. You can play around with upgrading Golden Abyss or Mountain Halls (if you have it), using royal restorations on evolving buildings, etc. You may also be able to start decreasing the number of factories and WS you have, bc they get much more efficient as well as bigger. The reports function will do all the math. Then its just a matter of figuring out how to pack all the necessary buildings into the space you have/will have.