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Moving to Discord??

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Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
The announcement Join now the official Elvenar Discord server! says this:

But wait, what about the forums?

Don't worry, the forums will still be available for a while, even if we are gradually shifting our focus to the Discord server. In the long term, we plan to fully transition to Discord, but for at least the upcoming months the forums will remain open and accessible.

We hope you'll give Discord a try and join us there. We can't wait to see you and hear your thoughts and suggestions. Let's make Elvenar even more awesome together!
First questions for the company.
Why are we going to be forced to move to another platform if we want to contribute to the community?
What is the motivation behind such a move?
Don't you think a lot of people who contribute won't want to move to a social media platform?
What will become of the tremendous amount of information that has accumulated in the forums?

I can think of several reasons for the move, but they are all cynical and don't really matter. The questions are for Inno, but this is as good a place as any to express us to express our opinions about this. I, for one, am outraged by the concept.

@Elovios, can you give us more information than the press release you placed. Maybe even answering my questions? Beta has the exact same release except for two things. Ours is formatted a little prettier and the complimentary close, here is "Best regards". There it's "Kind regards". So, actually no difference.

...and the last paragraph saying, "we can't wait to see you and hear your thoughts and suggestions." really has no meaning if you don't give us a link to give our thoughts.

EDIT: Alink was added to the announcement for discussion about the move:
feedback thread
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