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I heard a rumor about new neighbors moving in and players losing their place. Is this true? What is this about? I also heard that you can do something in the settings menu to stop it! Is this true?


Well-Known Member
Early in my playing experience, I was moved from what I thought was a very nice place with neighbors who visited daily, to another area that was pretty bleak. It took quite a while, but I was able to build up a good visiting base again. I found out that you can UNcheck the "allow automatic movement" option which I did. Mr. Soggy is one of my heroes, but whoever is in charge of the moving and removing is sadly..........lacking.
Welcome to the game!


Mathematician par Excellence
That's some pretty bad luck. The idea is that all players who are active are moved towards the center if space opens up by deleting an inactive. To get moved out of an active spot to an area that is worse is quite unlucky (but by no means unheard of)
The danger in UNchecking the box is when inno does a major sweep and removes a whole whack of inactives, then all of your neighbors could get moved leaving you alone in a barren wasteland.(unless they are unchecked too)


In one city I have over 23 abandoned cities around me. I have the box checked and I am still not being moved. I unchecked the box and re checked it and I'm still in the same place. It's my city in Eclysandir. What can you do?

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
In one city I have over 23 abandoned cities around me. I have the box checked and I am still not being moved. I unchecked the box and re checked it and I'm still in the same place. It's my city in Eclysandir. What can you do?

It is also not just that they move you, they also have to find a spot for you elsewhere in the world where the provinces around you match exactly what you have already scouted in your current location. So the bigger the city, the longer it will take to get moved, if there is even a compatible spot for the biggest cities to be moved to.


Mathematician par Excellence
It is also not just that they move you, they also have to find a spot for you elsewhere in the world where the provinces around you match exactly what you have already scouted in your current location. So the bigger the city, the longer it will take to get moved, if there is even a compatible spot for the biggest cities to be moved to.
The map is a repeating pattern, so your scouting/size doesn't matter.


True, that's why it gets harder at times, sometimes you got to know when to stop exploring though. Unless your like my fellowship where I allow alt in the fellowship so you can do self trades, your stuck basically like this account is about new and has 500 in stock of Marble Crystal and Steel cause of all my other accounts. Or family it's self. So if your like me continue to explore cause it'll be no problem completing 30 provinces and hitting chapter 3 or 5 in a month or if your not like me, just hit the provinces one at a time and slowly. Us multi Tasked players have a trouble getting coins and supplies though so I'll have to wait 26 more hours to get the Christmas tree for 1000 supplies a day, since I am not good at always making supplies. I'll would for sure be in the fifth or past it by September so I can apply for team.


Well-Known Member
In one city I have over 23 abandoned cities around me. I have the box checked and I am still not being moved. I unchecked the box and re checked it and I'm still in the same place. It's my city in Eclysandir. What can you do?

Besides keeping the box checked you might ask Support very nicely....Explain how many dead cities around you and how lonely you are :p
I was in an abandon neighborhood for a long while and after a month of contacting them I was moved.

As @Enevhar Aldarion said it still depends on the right placement with surrounding cities. Good luck


Thank you all for your input. I'm keeping the box checked now. I did write support but they sent me here and said that the servers took care of that.
The answer about being a larger city makes so much sense! I am an average city but I am like you, Firerus, I scout a lot! So I guess I sit tight and talk to myself in the world while I wait! lol I have a few good neighbors that are still there but it looks pretty sad where I am : )


Mathematician par Excellence
@SoggyShorts Is there a "norm" or % of visitors per provinces scouted? Did I ask that correctly? In other words is there any way to tell if I'm "under-visited"?
Not really. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting 20+ visits from the map per day though.
The thing is that getting bigger doesn't get you more return visits- just because I have explored 450 provinces and have hundreds of neighbors that I can visit doesn't mean that hundreds have explored far enough to visit me.


Well-Known Member
From these answers, I'm in pretty good shape. I have just under 400 provinces, and have 12-15 neighbors who visit me daily. Like Shimmerfly, I also am faithful in returning the visits. Don't laugh, but I've been known to send the occasional "thank you" note. This also tells me that unless things change drastically, I'm going to keep my "auto move" un-checked.