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    Your Elvenar Team

News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, if it said 12-14 I put 13.
I calculated teh value of lucky cards to be 20.2
I calculated the value of 1 lucky card to be 16.25 coins and 16.8 base, or an equivalent 29.8 base at an exchange rate of 1 coin -> .8 base(*).

Anyone else want to chime in and verify which of these calculations is correct?

(*) These calculation are with the updated cost mid-way through the event and using this chart:



Well-Known Member
@SoggyShorts I think I am doing something wrong, I don't get the same numbers as you do:( Can you see where I have made a mistake? I have only tried to calculate the best orders for getting the most grand prizes.

Average number of level 1 game pieces from spending 1 chip:
(0.40*1 + 0.30*2 + 0.15*4 + 0.10*8 + 0.05*16)/4 = 0.8

Average number of level 1 game pieces from 1 lucky card:
(0.15*50 + 0.05*75 + 0.05*100)*0.8 + 3*0.15*16 + 3*0.1*32 = 29.8

View attachment 13260
Yeah, I also got 29.8.


Well-Known Member
iDavis and harvest have already done it. The best for set is the second trade where cards are %20. Best for daily prizes is second trade with 15% chance with 22-26 points used.

Truthfully, if you just use those two as they show up, you will get set and most dailies. It's just how much you willing to reset trade and wait 30 minutes. RNG will matter, but visiting your city 5-6 times a day to collect will matter more.
I’m very confused about this whole event. I’ve read everything I’ve found about it and still don’t understand how I’m going to do it. What do you mean about second trade with 20% or 15%?


I’m very confused about this whole event. I’ve read everything I’ve found about it and still don’t understand how I’m going to do it. What do you mean about second trade with 20% or 15%?
Short answer is that you will see three trades from items on your board. From top to bottom we are calling these slot 1,2,3. The "optimal" trades are in slot 2. There are four different trades per slot(meaning prizes and percentages). The slot2 trade with 20% chance of cards is best for full set. The slot2 trade with 15% chance of daily is best for getting daily. Never do slot one trades. A few decent slot 3 trades. Okay, not so short. When I'm off work tomorrow, I'll give the long answer.


Well-Known Member
Short answer is that you will see three trades from items on your board. From top to bottom we are calling these slot 1,2,3. The "optimal" trades are in slot 2. There are four different trades per slot(meaning prizes and percentages). The slot2 trade with 20% chance of cards is best for full set. The slot2 trade with 15% chance of daily is best for getting daily. Never do slot one trades. A few decent slot 3 trades. Okay, not so short. When I'm off work tomorrow, I'll give the long answer.

All of the slot 2's are good, except for the one that awards vitality surges. In the 3rd slot, you want 20% for 2 or 14% for 3 lucky draws.
Those are all fairly close in terms of expected outcome, but there's a big gap between those and the rest. That is, they're not all optimal, but they're close enough if you don't want to spend all day rerolling.


Well-Known Member
12 token lvls per gem seems the benchmark.
I've only seen < 12 , in Slot 2 deal, otherwise
some Slot 2-3 deals are 12 also. Rarely do I
see a 12 offer in Slot 1.


Platinum Leaf -FB
Workshop Challenge started in Beta! This runs for three days and is a nice, easy mini-event to alternate with Fellowship Adventures in between the main events.
We have been asking for something like this for ages!! I hope this will be a permanent feature, so we can have a nice gap in between the FA's!!



Mathematician par Excellence
Worrkshop Challenge started in Beta! ......We have been asking for something like this for ages!!
The workshop challenges originally showed us that you could sweep through your whole city and collect "medals" stacked on top of each other as we can now with FA badges. Letting us have this awesome interface again before fixing the FA would have led to pitchforks and torches.


Platinum Leaf -FB
Just announced in Beta Forum.

Dear Humans and Elves,
There will soon be changes in the total available city Expansions!

  • The city grid will expand from 65x65 to 70x65
  • Two more Premium Expansions will be available
  • One Province Expansion will be available by completing 620 Provinces
  • The remaining new provinces will be unlockable soon, through mysterious new technologies...
See you in the game!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team



Mathematician par Excellence
Will I need a lot of level 1 workshops similar to a fellowship adventure setup to do this workshop challenge? And if so, is there an advantage to starting toolboxes 24 hours before it starts?
It's been a long time, but yes, and yes.
IIRC there were 3 prizes that you reached at certain thresholds, and even if you didn't pre-set anything it was quite reasonably doable, but if you did pre-set a bunch of toolboxes you could almost finish it instantly.
*Note the balances may have changed, I'm not actually checking Beta these days


Oh Wise One
what I can't remember is if magic ws counted different to normal ws. Was a lot of complaining how you needed less magic ws and was therefore penalised for having them. But overall I remember they were fairly easy challenges.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
what I can't remember is if magic ws counted different to normal ws. Was a lot of complaining how you needed less magic ws and was therefore penalised for having them. But overall I remember they were fairly easy challenges.

Nope, all workshops are the same this time and they took away sentient productions from counting. All workshop productions, except beverages, earn points, and the 3-hour normal goods productions earn points. And the four main enchantments earn points.


Oh Wise One
thats sad but not surprising. I really think more and more that they need to scrap the make x productions in these things and FA's and base it on a threshold of items to make. Then towns can be based on their own designs. Would still need to focus to get certain things but no (minimal) penalty for having no space when stuck in a GR or efficient with a certain design.


Mathematician par Excellence
I really think more and more that they need to scrap the make x productions in these things and FA's and base it on a threshold of items to make.
Exactly. To work really hard during an event and even spend diamonds in order to earn set pieces that give you goods every 24h but then run into quests/tasks that you can't complete without adding less efficient totally unneeded standard factories is disappointing.

I find myself designing super efficient cities where I squeeze the maximum pop/culture/troops/goods out of every single square while minimizing the roads as much as possible... and then I leave room for a turd town of level 1 buildings. That or I teleport my armories out to make a turd city every month and "get rid of" the event as fast as possible.

Would still need to focus to get certain things but no (minimal) penalty for having no space when stuck in a GR or efficient with a certain design.
Counting the productions from copper foundries for those in the dwarves chapter and the equivalent in others would be brilliant. I used to try and complete an entire GR between events, but both the frequency of events and length of chapters has changed too much since those days.
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