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    Your Elvenar Team

News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

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Thinker of Ideas
  • We shuffled the badge requirements of all waypoints.
  • We increased the total number of badges required increased by 12%.
That SHOULD be good news. Instead iv even more worried :/
This leaves two main questions in my mind.

1. Will this increase and reshuffel effect or get rid of a potential 'single easy path'? For smaller fs's, a single easy path may be the only way they can complete the event. If its increased across the board without consideration, smaller fs's could find themselves unable to finish. Thats not only bad in itself, but it could decrease players willingness to participate at all. Not good.

2. Your rebalancing the badges and the waypoints... what abut the points themselves? The last few fa's (and probably more) it has become increasingly apparent that many waypoints, especially on the third map, are not worth completing at all. The amount of badges was to high and the point reward for it to low. It was not worth it. It would be more point efficient to skip many waypoints and go to the pit. - And in my opinion, the waypoints on the actual maps should not be of lesser value then the pit. - So we already had this problem. Now were being told that the badge number requirments will be even higher? If there is not a point adjustment with this, then there is going to be a lot more ppl skipping waypoints all together. Fa's already suffer from a lack of motivation and ppl/fs's actually wanting to do them. Making that worse is jsut inching the event to its own demise. ... so im really wondering if there was a point adjustment.


Well-Known Member
Just to slip in a small amount of positive attitude, we never had a FA last year that covered the boblin's express service artifact, and it sounds like the Tome of Winter Artifacts will cover that.

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
Just to slip in a small amount of positive attitude, we never had a FA last year that covered the boblin's express service artifact, and it sounds like the Tome of Winter Artifacts will cover that.
The March FA had 2 Tomes of Ice & FIre that gave you a choice of a Boblin's or an Echoes of the Forgotten artifact. *not trying to be a Negative Nancy about it though*
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Well-Known Member
(F)rankly (A)nnoying 's need to be wholesale reworked,
not just tweaked in ways annoying to most players.

Many great ideas have come thru the forums and it
seems while many are not coding heavy, it doesn't
seem like like the playerbase's view of what a FA could
be meshes with the Devs idea of what it will be...


Mathematician par Excellence
(F)rankly (A)nnoying 's need to be wholesale reworked
Yep. Full points for the new FA abbreviation, that'll silently come out every time I read it now, but you're right-- a big refresh is in order.
They've basically nailed the badge collection system, and the number of collections needed per badge and number of badges needed is infinitely tweakable, but that's not enough.

1. Make the collection of badges smooth rather than annoying.
2. Add an incentive to do more than 1 path per map.
3. Add Prizes that match the effort.
4. Provide in-game communication tools.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
Yikes! Bond Villain mode was activated in beta’s FA. Let’s roll back to all the worst parts of FA. It’s as if Inno doesn’t know how to take compliments…

Got my attention! I read through the Beta forum and Just Wow! If they don't fix it there is no chance my FS will be doing this FA.

I wouldn't be surprised to see an increase in the demand for Elvarian Guards as well, since that badge is one most players have in abundance.

Just noting that this is only true for players who battle. Since most in my FS cater there are only a few who donate all the Elvarian Guard badges.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
OK i read they fixed the collection issue but did the coin amounts get fixed and the numbers needed get fixed?
Isn’t that great that they officially announced coin badges will be lower and then increased it instead? Bond villain level mean! I don’t actually have a beta city because I’m not a masochist that willingly sign up to play a buggy version of the game, and then repeat it again live, where I already have to repeat the event multiple times as it is playing multiple cities. :)

Sometimes the live version is buggy enough!


New Member
If I'm reading everything right the badge collection went from horrible the first wave of FAs 1 at a time to GREAT the last year - collecting all at once and then BACK TO HORRIBLE in BETA right?

Am i now reading that the horrible is gone and it is back to swiping to collect them all at once again?


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
We are back to swiping and collecting again. I didn't check the coin badge again  yet as I am trying very hard to fail at my weekly quest of trading 10 times with the Wholesaler. I want their metrics to show a very poor response to this quest, and I outright refuse to play ball with this. Ima going to build and sell my Temple of Fire multiple times instead. :p


Thinker of Ideas
There's only 2 things in Elvenar that push me to leaving. The 1,000+ clicks just to do Neighborly help every day, and Fellowship Adventures. FA is a bad word that I cough deep from the back of my throat.... :eek:
How long have you been playing for?
I always find the answer to that question interesting when i see ppl complaining about the NH system being so horrible.
Because while i agree it could still use a few tweeks to speed it up.. i was there.. 3000 years years ago... when neighborly help meant click on on each fs members name and going into there city. Then searching for the specific building to give NH to. Often times taking an eternity if it was a larger player and you had to find that mini builders hut... then you went back, clicked on the next fs member, and did the whole thing again... 24 times.. and just when your about to strangle something like your homer simpson... you remember then you have to go to the world map... and click on every single neighbor, one by one. Go into there cities. Find the building of which you want to give help to. Then giving the help and going back to the world map so you can click on the next neighbor...

So while i admit, the current system isnt 100% perfect... anyone that went through that time will admit that its 1,000,000% better now then it was.


Well-Known Member
My FS used to discuss putting in a suggestion to Inno that they help us by marking the BH in some way. Of course it should be tasteful and unobtrusive and in keeping with the rest of the artwork. We were leaning towards a flashing neon green arrow on the roof. A honkin' big one.

Because we were literally reduced to posting in Chat every day or so "where is X's BH now? And Z's?" It is why so many players used to default to helping the MH, and why people were literally begging for Culture help instead - when you opened someone's city it centered on their MH, so it was the easiest thing to click.
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